Newsletter August 18, 2023

As the summer ends, we return to our sermon series on the book of Romans written by the Apostle Paul. This Sunday, Rev. Wilson A. Shirley will be preaching on Romans 7:1-6 in a sermon titled, “The Gospel of God: New Life in the Spirit”. Please be in prayer for grade school students, college students, teachers, and parents as the new school year begins.

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Newsletter July 28, 2023

Chris Moody, Director of Students and Family Ministry, will be preaching this Sunday on Psalm 70 in a sermon titled “Worth the Wait”. Be sure to listen to the accompanying hymn of the week— we hope it blesses you! This Sunday, July 30th is our last Sunday in the main building before we move church to the Family Life center due to upcoming renovations.

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Newsletter June 16, 2023

This week Rev. Wilson A. Shirley will be speaking on “Protection from the Throng of Evildoers” from Psalm 64. Please be in prayer for the mission’s team headed to Joni and Friends Camp next week.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter June 9, 2023

This week Rev. Wilson A. Shirley will be speaking on “The Thirsty Soul” from Psalm 63. Join us in prayer as the Presbyterian Church in America’s General Assembly will be in session June 12th-16th.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter June 2, 2023

This week Rev. Brian Russ will be speaking on “A Matter of Trust” from Psalm 62. VBS will begin this Monday, June 5th till Thursday, June 8th. There are still opportunities to provide snacks for VBS Volunteers while they serve as well bring disaster relief school supplies for the VBS missions project.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter May 26, 2023

This week Mr. John Summers will be speaking on “From World’s End to Enthroned” from Psalm 61. The church office will be closed this Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. Vacation Bible School is only one week away and the Cornerstone Women’s Ministry will kick off a new summer Bible study on June 12th.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter May 5, 2023

This week guest speaker Dr. Steven Estock will be speaking on “So Now What Are You Going to Do?” from 1 Timothy 3:14-16. We hope your family will be able to join us for our 10th anniversary celebration.

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Wilson Shirley