choose a ministry: Men | Women | Students | Foundations |Children
Men’s Ministry
The men of Cornerstone gather throughout the week at various times for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. We’ve enjoyed golfing, dove hunts, dinners, men’s retreats, and weekly discipleship. For more information about getting involved in Men’s Ministry at Cornerstone, please contact Bob Boerner through the link below.
Women’s Ministry
The women of Cornerstone gather throughout the week for everything from dessert night to discipleship group. If you are interested in getting involved with the women's ministry at Cornerstone, please contact the Women’s Ministry Director, Heidi Honeywell, through the link below.
Student ministries
Cornerstone’s Student Ministry seeks to provide our youth with a variety of spiritual growth opportunities in worship, service, and fellowship.
Sunday School
We offer a Sunday school for children, adults, and students in which we prayerfully study the Bible and its application to our lives under the leadership of experienced believers. Visitors are welcome to attend our Sunday school! We meet at 9:45 a.m. in classrooms throughout the building.
Looking for Children’s Sunday School?
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‘Foundations’ meets on Wednesday nights on a seasonal basis. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together each week for food, fellowship, and foundations in God’s Word! There will be discipleship opportunities for children, students, and adults. Come join us!
We’re currently in our Spring Semester of Foundations!
Creative arts ministry
Periodically throughout the year, Creative Arts Ministry meets weekly in the mornings to quilt and knit baby items to donate to the Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center. No experience needed!
Our Hope for Cornerstone Children
Psalm 145:1-3 teaches us that the center of the Christian life is worship and praise: “Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.” Even so, the Psalm invites us in verse four to teach each new generation how to glorify God: “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” The Cornerstone family loves our children and desires to see them grow in the knowledge of Christ and understanding of the Gospel. It is our hope and prayer that the children at Cornerstone know God.
Sunday Worship
We encourage families to keep children ages K4-4th grade with them for the entirety of the church service so they can develop as attentive listeners of biblical teaching. Age-appropriate bulletins are available in the narthex. We encourage your entire family to come and join us for Sunday worship.
Sunday School
In Children’s Sunday School, we learn about God’s love for us through Bible lessons, music, small groups, and other activities. All our elementary classrooms are located upstairs adjacent to the sanctuary. Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m. after the morning worship service and ends about an hour later. We would love to see you there!
On Wednesday evenings, our children gather upstairs to learn the truth of God’s Word by studying the children’s catechism. Using the Kid’s Quest catechism material from the Great Commission, our younger children at Cornerstone gain a fundamental biblical framework that serves as a foundation for their understanding of the Christian faith. Using the Westminster Shorter Catechism, our older children continue to build upon their fundamental knowledge to learn some of the key truths of Biblical Christianity. Wednesday nights are also always packed with fun, games, and plenty of smiles. Please come and join us for food, study, and games from 5:30-7:15 p.m. on Wednesday nights in the spring and fall (please check the church calendar).
Nursery Ministry
Nursery, or child care, is provided for infants through 3-year-olds on Sunday mornings and other special events. The nursery is staffed with volunteers as well as paid staff. The paid staff are all certified in infant/child CPR. All children are welcome in our worship service – but if you choose, there is a nursery available for children 3 and under.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the church nursery by clicking the button below.