Newsletter: February 6, 2022

This newsletter serves many purposes. Not only do we want to keep you informed but also help you prepare your hearts for worship each Lord's Day and know how we can pray for one another. I encourage to keep reading and see how God might be calling you to pray for a serve someone.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: January 21, 2022

This past Sunday sure was interesting! We are sorry we had to make adjustments to the worship schedule. The church parking lot and the roads in Blossomwood became treacherous very quickly! Thank you for your patience and trust in your leadership during this unusual weather days. Our preference will always be to hold worship if possible. In the future we will send out email communications if we need to make last minute adjustments.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: December 3, 2021
I hope that you have found this Advent season worshipful thus far. One of the ways that my family has enjoyed this season is by listening to Christmas worship music. With the "advent" of the smart speaker, we love having music fill the air of our home and cars. Here are some albums that we have really enjoyed:
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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: November 12, 2021

As we near the end of 2021, it has no doubt been an exciting year of transition and we have seen God’s provision in amazing ways! For almost 10 years, the Lord has been, and continues to be, generous to Cornerstone. He has provided for and protected us in more ways than we can enumerate. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: November 5, 2021

We are now in a season of Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for! “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:34 ESV)

One of the things that we can be thankful for is the church family growing!

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: October 22, 2021

I am really excited about the next few Sundays at Cornerstone! All of Sundays are great of course ... but we are going to get to experience and participate in some wonderful things in the life of our church starting this Sunday.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: September 24, 2021

We have now enjoyed two Sundays worshiping in our new home and two Sundays of devoting ourselves to the preaching of God's Word, the Sacraments and fellowship. These are wonderful blessings that God has given to us and we praise Him from whom all blessings flow.

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Wilson Shirley
Our New Home!

Cornerstone has relocated to 1413 McClung Ave. in Huntsville. We are excited to begin worship at our new home on Sunday, September 12, 2021!

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Wilson Shirley
July update on McClung

As July is now here, we wanted to give you a brief update and invite you to continue to pray, serve and give as work is ongoing at our new campus on McClung. Currently we are setting a goal to begin worship at the new campus after Labor Day.

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Pastor's Corner

When I started working at Cornerstone in the Spring of 2014, I knew right away that I would need a trusty assistant to help me with the many administrative and ministry needs of Cornerstone. It was at that time that the Lord brought Cynthia Keen to serve in that capacity.

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