Pastor's Corner
Dear Church Family and Friends,
This Sunday will mark the third Sunday of Advent. It is hard to believe that we are a third of the way through December. As we near December 25th, we have some important church events coming up.
First, this past Sunday was a blast at the Christmas ADVENTure family event. The staff even had some fun!
This Sunday, December 12th, will be our last Sunday School program for the year. On December 19th we will have a fellowship brunch in the Family Life Center during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45am. There will be no Sunday School on December 26th and January 2nd to give our teachers a holiday break. We will continue to have two worship services every Sunday, 8:30am and 11:00am.
Additionally, we are looking forward to our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight services. This will be a wonderful service of Lessons and Carols as we reflect on the incarnation of Christ and worship our King. There will be two Christmas Eve services, 4:00pm and 5:30pm. Please make plans to join us and invite your friends and family. (use the attached postcard to invite someone)
I'm looking forward to continuing our season of celebration and worship together! See you Sunday!
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12 ESV)
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship
December 12, 2021
Wilson's Weekly
This week, check out these local stories about some of our congregants!
Officer Nominations - Cornerstone members will have the opportunity to nominate men for church office from November 28 - December 31. Please see the nomination brochure in the narthex and place nominations in the offering plate or give to a church officer.
Christmas Brunch: Come celebrate Christmas together during the Sunday School hour on December 19th with a fellowship brunch in the Family Life Center. This is a potluck-style event, and you are invited to contribute to the brunch tables! Go to the signup at the following link to see what dishes are requested. Christmas Brunch Sign Up
If you would like to borrow any pans, dishes, or platters from the church, please email Jenny Roberts . You may pick up what you need from the main church kitchen this coming Sunday the 12th.
Group Home Caroling: Joni and Friends is a Ministry that shares the hope of the Gospel and gives practical help to those impacted with disabilities. One outreach of this ministry is Christmas deliveries. We will be delivering gifts and caroling to 2 group homes where members of our church have family members residing. We would love for you to join us! Meet us in the church parking lot on Friday, December 17th at 3:45. Please email Audrey Russ if you are able to attend.
Village Giving Tree - This year we are again partnering with Lincoln Village preschool to bless their children with needed items for Christmas. A tree will be set up in the Narthex beginning on November 28th. You can take an ornament (or two) off the tree, purchase the item printed on the ornament and return by this Sunday, December 13th. You can also sign up by going to this link. Lincoln Village Giving Tree
Sunday School Schedule - No Sunday School December 26th & January 2nd.
Christmas Eve Services - We will celebrate the birth of our Lord on Christmas Eve with services at 4:00pm and 5:30pm. Please invite family, friends and neighbors to join us for our annual candle light service.
Year-end Giving - Please remember in order for your contributions to be posted in this year they will need to be postmarked by December 31. The church office will be closed December 27th-31st.
Officer Nominations - Cornerstone members have the opportunity to nominate men for church office from November 28th-December 31. Please see the nomination brochure in the narthex, and place nominations in the offering plate or give to a church officer.
Student Ministry
- Christmas Get Together Junior High Girls will be hosted by the Shirleys (2956 Elm Meadows, Brownsboro) on Wednesday, December 15th 5:30-7:30pm.
- Progressive Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 12th, from 5:00-8:00pm. Students, this year we are going to celebrate the Christmas season together by sharing meals in the homes of three Cornerstone families. All youth meet at the Family Life Center. Please see Taylor for more details!
Ministry Opportunity
Sixty Feet Ministry - Sixty Feet Ministry is a ministries Cornerstone supports during the year. Sixty Feet’s medical services gives them the ability to work in prisons. Once they are there, they get to show these children the love of Christ through many more programs. But, our medical team is the linchpin of their work. Providing medical care for 5,000 children not only cares for children physically and developmentally, but also allows them to share the Gospel with the very least. Your generosity guarantees that the next child who walks through the prison gates will receive the care they need. You may go to this link to learn more about the ministry as you consider donating to the wonderful ministry.
Cornerstone Prayer Request
- Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Lauren Davenport, Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
- Pray for healing -Amy Eckenrode, Ed Pendergrass, April DeJong, Earl Ricks, Anna Parks, and Terry Ware.
- Pray for our nursing home residents - Ruby Petcher & Marcy Renegar.
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Julia King (March), Yatang Cohee and Abby Junen (May).
- Pray for Jim Shorter and family in the death of his mother, Sarah Elizabeth Beard Shorter.
- Pray for Officer Nominations and Training.
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Northeast Alabama Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Grace Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Ft. Payne, AL, (Pastor Dave Latham)
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.