Newsletter: December 3, 2021


Pastor's Corner 

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Advent has begun! This past Sunday was a wonderful celebration to kick off the Advent season as the sanctuary was absolutely beautifully decorated and we began to dive deep into the message of the incarnation in John's prologue, John 1:1-18. We will continue our study this week as we look at John 1:6-13 and see what it means to "BELIEVE!". 

I hope that you have found this Advent season worshipful thus far. One of the ways that my family has enjoyed this season is by listening to Christmas worship music. With the "advent" of the smart speaker, we love having music fill the air of our home and cars. Here are some albums that we have really enjoyed:

  • Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb
  • Chris Tomlin's Adore: Christmas Songs of Worship
  • Sovereign Grace Music's Prepare Him Room: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus in Song
I know there are many other good ones but this should get you started! 

Perhaps my favorite Christmas music are the hymns that we sing on Sunday morning during worship at Cornerstone. I hope to see you Sunday and perhaps you could invite a friend or neighbor who needs to hear the message of Christmas to come join you in doing something transcendent? ... Let me encourage you to do that and to pray that God would give you the opportunity to invite someone to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. 

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12 ESV)

See you Sunday! 

by His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship 
December 5, 2021
Officer Nominations - Cornerstone members will have the opportunity to nominate men for church office from November 28 - December 31. Please see the nomination brochure in the narthex and place nominations in the offering plate or give to a church officer. 

Christmas ADVENTurePlease save the date for a family Advent party December 5, 3-5pm in the family life center. Please join us as we celebrate the advent season together as a church family. Crafts, activities and yummy treats. For more information and to sign up  RSVP Paige McClure.   

Volunteers need for Christmas ADVENTure Adults and Students, we need your help!  If you can volunteer please email Paige McClure.

Lincoln Village Giving Tree - This year we are again partnering with Lincoln Village preschool to bless their children with needed items for Christmas.  A tree will be set up in the Narthex beginning on November 28th. You can take an ornament (or two) off the tree, purchase the item printed on the ornament and return by Sunday, December 13th. You can also sign up by going to this link. Lincoln Village Giving Tree

Christmas Poinsettias - If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone, please follow this link to fill out a form.  Cost is $12.00.  

Funeral for Marilyn Martens, Jenni Boerner's mother will be on Friday, December 10th at 1:00pm at Shades Mountain Community Church. Please remember them during this time. 

Student Ministry 
  • Christmas Get Together Senior High Girls will be at the the Winebreners (2840 Natures Cove Drive, Owens Cross Roads) Friday, December 10th from 6:30-8:30pm.  Junior High Girls will be hosted by the Shirleys (2956 Elm Meadows, Brownsboro) on Wednesday, December 8th 5:30-7:30pm.
  • Progressive Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 12th, from 5:00-8:00pm. Students, this year we are going to celebrate the Christmas season together by sharing meals in the homes of three Cornerstone families. Please see Taylor for more details!



Cornerstone Prayer Request 
  • Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Lauren Davenport and Jim Shorter, Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
  • Pray for healing - Maria Chisum, April DeJong, Earl Ricks, Anna Parks, and Terry Ware.
  • Pray for our nursing home residents - Ruby Petcher & Marcy Renegar.
  • Pray for our expectant mothers - Julia King (March), Yatang Cohee and Abby Junen (May).
  • Praise God for the birth of Cordelia Valleta daughter of Conner and Amy Eckenrode.
  • Pray for Office Nomination and Training.
  • Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Lincoln Village Ministry and Grace Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Rev. Jackie Gaston pastor.



Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside. 
This week's highlighted ministry: 
Lincoln Village Ministry


Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.

The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. 
To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact Geneva Cooper at or 256-489-4625.
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