July update on McClung

Dear Cornerstone Family, 

As July is now here, we wanted to give you a brief update and invite you to continue to pray, serve and give as work is ongoing at our new campus on McClung. Currently we are setting a goal to begin worship at the new campus after Labor Day. We anticipate much of the facility improvements with regards to painting, flooring and other modifications to be completed by the beginning of August. We anticipate most of August being a month for some "final touches" to be put on the facility, as well as beginning to move equipment and furnishings from our current facility and place them in our new home.

In the meantime, there are some things that you can do as we continue to work towards completing this transition. 

Pray - Pray for the safety of those who work. Pray for all the logistics involved with the renovations over the next six weeks. Pray for relationships to be built in the neighborhood. Pray for those who would eventually visit Cornerstone. Give thanks to God for His abundant provision for us.

Serve - There will continue to be volunteer opportunities every Saturday from 8am until 12noon and other spontaneous times through the week. The needs will change as we get closer to moving. Please look out for opportunities via email or personal invitation. Also, feel free to contact rick@cornerstonehuntsville.org if you have a particular skill or way you would like to serve.

Give - At this time, the best way to support this work is to give to the general fund of the church. The Session has designated funds from reserves to complete repairs and renovations to the new campus, however, the doubling of expenses has also begun as we are obligated to our current lease. Therefore, consistent, regular giving is the best way to assist in all of these ministry activities at this time. 

As more work is completed and we get closer to beginning to worship at McClung, we will be hosting Open Houses there so you can continue to get familiar with the new facility. 

In the meantime, our current Sunday ministry schedule will continue as normal with worship services at 8:30am and 11am and Sunday School in the middle at 9:45am. We are hopeful to begin multiple Adult Sunday School classes after we move to the new building this Fall. 

Thank you all so much for your ongoing prayers and participation in this effort!

In Christ, 

Pastors Wilson and Brian 

P.S. Painting and ceiling tile work will be happening this Saturday on the 2nd floor and in the church offices. Come on out to serve if you can!
