Pastor's Corner
Dear Church Family and Friends,
We are now in a season of Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for! “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:34 ESV)
One of the things that we can be thankful for is the church family growing! These past few Lord's Days, and even this coming Sunday, we will have some new families and children joining our church. It is such a blessing to see families and children professing their faith in Christ and publicly acknowledging their desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
As we watch and participate in these professions, I thought it would be helpful for us to remember and reflect on the vows that many of us publicly made before the church. It is important to do this because when we observe a baptism and when we see new people joining the church body, it is a perfect time for us to reflect on our own baptism and to remember the vows that we made.
The PCA Book of Church Order, chapter 57 gives helpful guidance and explains to us what is happening when someone becomes a communing member of the church. It also contains the membership vows that one must take to become a member of the church.
The time having come for the making of a public profession, and those who have been approved by the Session having taken their places in the presence of the congregation, the minister may state that: Of the number of those who were baptized in infancy as members of the Church of God by birthright, and as heirs of the covenant promises, the Session has examined and approved (call them by name), who come now to assume for themselves the full privileges and responsibilities of their inheritance in the household of faith.
If there be present any candidates for Baptism, the minister may state that: As applicants for admission into the Church of God by Baptism, which is a sign and seal of our engrafting into Christ, and of our engagement to be the Lord’s, the Session has examined and approved (call them by name), who are cordially welcomed into the fellowship of the household of faith.
The minister may then address those making a profession in the following terms: (All of) you being here present to make a public profession of faith, are to assent to the following declarations and promises, by which you enter into a solemn covenant with God and His Church.
- Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
- Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
- Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ?
- Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
- Do you submit yourselves to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?
The minister may now briefly admonish those making a profession of faith as to the importance of the solemn obligations they have assumed; then baptism may be administered, if there be present any candidates for the ordinance, and the whole concluded with prayer.
May God give us grace to fulfill our calling to love Him and serve Him in the local church.
See you Sunday!
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship -
November 7, 2021
New Members Class - If you are interested in membership or learning more about Cornerstone, please join us during Sunday School in The Gathering Room across from the Sanctuary this Sunday at 9:45.
Cornerstone College Boxes - Please help us fill goodie boxes for our Cornerstone college students as they prepare for exams! We have approximately 20 students in college and will be filling a box of fun treats for each of them as a gift from our church family. Questions? Email or text Betsy at, (256) 541-1658. You can find additional information and sign up at the Sign Up Genius link. Cornerstone College Boxes
Communion - We will celebrate The Lord’s Supper next Sunday , November, 14th.
Host International Students for Thanksgiving - Each year, InFocus works to connect international students with American families for Thanksgiving. If you are interested in hosting one or more international students this Thanksgiving, please send an e-mail to Seth Waldecker at
Women's Ministry Event - All ladies are invited to join Cornerstone Women's Ministry on Wednesday, November 17th from 7:00-8:30pm as we enjoy a Jesse Tree Party! The Jesse Tree is a wonderful way to celebrate the incarnation of Christ and the whole story of the Bible with your family each Christmas! The party will be at the Family Life Center located at Cornerstone Church (address is 1413 McClung Ave.). Find more info about the party and register online. This event is limited to 25 women due to the need for every woman to make 25 of one ornament. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. We can't wait to enjoy this special time together as we prepare for the Christmas season! Email Julia King with questions. SIGN UP HERE
Fall Discipleship Opportunities:
We will wrap up our Wednesday evening studies on November 10th.
- Ladies Morning Bible Study meets Tuesdays, 9:15am on the second floor.
- Ladies Evening Study meets Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm in the Gathering Room
- Men’s Evening Study meets Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm on the second floor.
- Middle and High School Students meet Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm in the Family Life Center
Cornerstone Prayer Request
- Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless and Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
- Pray for healing - Maria Chisum, Earl Ricks, Stanley Cross, Riley Patterson, Anna Parks, April and Loren DeJong, Terry Ware, Olivia Hitt and baby daughter Violet.
- Pray for our nursing home residents - Ruby Petcher & Marcy Renegar.
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Amy Eckenrode (December), Julia King (March), and Abby Junen (May).
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Daniel and Yatang Cohee, Missionaries to Taiwan. Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, AL - Associate Pastor Rick Stark.
Cornerstone Sunday School Fall 2021
9:45-10:45 AM
Nursery/Preschool (up to 4 years old)
Location: 1st Floor - Leadership: Christina Wendorf
Parents please check-in your child at the check-in area and then proceed to their room in the nursery area.
- Infants - Nursery Staff, Volunteers
- Toddlers - Nursery Staff, Volunteers
- 3s & 4s - Hannah Kawell, Laura Shirley
Children (Kindergarten to 5th Grade)
Location: 2nd Floor - Leadership: Paige McClure
Parents please check in your children in the Children’s Assembly Room (Rooms 209/211, across from the elevator) at 9:45 AM. Please pick up your children in the following classrooms promptly at 10:45 AM.
- Kindergarten - Julia King and Rick McCann (Room 206)
- 1st & 2nd Grade - Maria Chisum, Hillary Hornor (Room 216)
- 3rd & 4th Grade - Kevin McClure, Michaiah Summers (Room 213)
- 5th Grade - John Chisum, Brett Davenport (Room 220)
Students (Jr. and Sr. High)- The Sermon on the Mount
Location: 2nd Floor - Leadership: Taylor King
Leadership Team: Daniel Cooper, Katherine Adams, Audrey Russ, Jen Winebrener
- Junior High classroom (grades 6-8) is Room 215.
- Senior High classroom (grades 9-12) is Room 217/219
Adult Sunday Schools - The Sermon on the Mount
College and Career (College - Mid-20s) - 2nd Floor, Room 203
Leadership Team: Frank and Mandy Cohee
Builders (Late 20s and 30s) - 2nd Floor, Room 201
Leadership Team: (Facilitators)-Stewart and Hilary Horner, Brandon and Amanda Pendegraft; (Teachers) Brian Russ and Paul Wendorf; (Elder/Teacher) Mark Hundscheid
Reflectors (40s) - 2nd Floor, Room 207
LeadershipTeam: (Facilitators) Michael and Kelly Butler, Mark and Anne Harbargar ; (Teachers) Nathan Eldridge, John Summers; (Elder/Teacher) John Bise
Reformers (50s) 2nd Floor, Room 205
Leadership Team: (Facilitators) Bob and Jenny Boerner, Tim and Jen Kauffman, Jim and Elizabeth Shorter; (Teachers) Bob Boerner, Tim Kauffman and Joey Shelton; (Elder) Mike Honeywell
Pathfinders (60s and up) 1st Floor, Fellowship Hall
Leadership Team: (Facilitators) Cal and Dianne Brown, David and Gail Kimrey; (Teachers)-Fred Schlich and Butch Taylor;(Elder/Teacher) Shep Park; (Elder) David Kimrey
****Note: Classes are “age-based”....but please feel free to go where you want to go!
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
This week's highlighted ministry:
Daniel and Yatang Cohee, Missionaries to Taiwan
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.