We are eagerly making plans for Foundations on Wednesday nights beginning February 2 at 5:30 PM. There will be a meal served from 5:30 PM until 6:15 PM in the Family Life Center. Meals are available for $5 a person ($20 max per family).
At 6:05 PM, we will begin to make the transition from the Family Life Center to the main building. Parents with children are responsible for taking their children to classrooms and the nursery to check-in. Classes will end at 7:15 PM and children will need to be picked up at that time by their parents. Student ministry will take place in the Family Life Center.
Here is where classes will meet:
- Nursery- Nursery area
- Preschool- Nursery area
- Kindergarten-5th Grade- Children's Assembly Room (Upstairs)
- Middle and High School Students- Family Life Center
- Women's Study- Gathering Room
- Men's Study- Upstairs College and Career Classroom
- Officers Training- Fellowship Hall
- Music Team- Sanctuary
In order to prepare for the first Wednesday night, would you please fill out the RSVP link below?
If you desire to attend classes but do not want a meal, please RSVP and put "0" by the meal.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Pastor Brian
Dear Church Family and Friends,
This past Sunday sure was interesting! We are sorry we had to make adjustments to the worship schedule. The church parking lot and the roads in Blossomwood became treacherous very quickly! Thank you for your patience and trust in your leadership during this unusual weather days. Our preference will always be to hold worship if possible. In the future we will send out email communications if we need to make last minute adjustments.
We were however able to hold the first service and have a live recording. If you missed it, you can watch it here. Also, I encourage you to keep up with the sermon series. If you would like to listen to last week's sermon, you can do that by clicking here.
This past week we talk about apologetics. The biblical basis for why we are called to practice apologetics is found in Peter’s first letter. In1 Peter 3:15 we find the apostle Peter instructing the church, “in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
This call to be prepared to give a defense to anyone who ask you to give a reason for why you believe what you believe is called apologetics. The Greek word for defense in this verse is apologia and it is where we get our world apologetics. The reason for that short seminary course on apologetics is because 2 Peter 3:3-10 is 1 Peter 3:15 in action. Just like a master teacher we will see the Apostle Peter use apologetics to help the church defend the faith against scoffers who are scoffing at the beliefs of Christianity.
There were three reasons given on how we practice apologetics in the face of scoffing and those who questions Christ's return. I will let you listen to the sermon to get the rest of the story.
One of the areas that the sermon did not have time to cover is how we are to show godly character when practicing our apologetics. Peter says we are to do this with gentleness and respect. Those are two important Christ-like characteristics that we, the church, should always remember when we answer scoffing and those who would mock basic Christian beliefs. These are two fruits of the Spirit we should strive to emulate in our conversations, in our apologetics, in our current hostile world. Of course the main reason we should do this is because this is how Christ modeled the Gospel for us. Jesus was gentle, he was respectful and He did everything with a loving and compassionate spirit. Therefore we are called to do likewise.
If you are looking for a book to help you on apologetics and highly recommend Rebecca McLaughlin's Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion and her newer book for teens and parents, 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity.
See you Sunday!
by His Grace and to His Praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship
January 23, 2022
How is God calling you to serve in the local church? How do you plan to support the worship and work of the church in the new year?
The Lord is blessing Cornerstone! We are growing in numbers and ministry. As we continue our mission to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow and serve together ... how will you serve?
In the new year we will restart an old ministry program that we are excited to bring back called FOUNDATIONS. This ministry takes place on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:15pm. There will be discipleship opportunities for children, students and adults.
Because of this growth, will you consider serving either on Sundays or Wednesdays in the new year?
- To serve in the nursery, please contact
- To serve in children's ministry, please contact
- To serve in student ministry, please contact
- To serve alongside the deacons in works of service, please contact
Among the various opportunities for serving in our local church, the hospitality department is one to consider. Many hands make light work, and this is never truer than in serving food and beverages, or in being a friendly face as folks walk in the door. There is a place for you among the many ongoing and occasional events that require hands to serve - the Foundations meal, Sunday morning hot beverage service, holiday brunches, and more. Or can you hand out bulletins while giving a warm welcome to guests and members as they come into the church? If you are ready to serve Cornerstone and would like to check into these opportunities, please contact Jenny Roberts for general hospitality at or Jenni Boerner for the greeters ministry at
- If you are not sure where to serve, contact
Bikes for Students (service opportunity) - There are a few international students at UAH who are in need of a bicycle. There is a need for both women's and men's bicycles. If anyone has an old bicycle that they are willing to donate to InFocus, please contact Seth Waldecker at Bicycles in need of some repair might also be helpful depending on how much work needs to be done on them. Please make arrangements to drop them off at the church office.
Bookshelf Ministry - Be sure to check out this resource ministry located in the Gathering Room. There are free books, tracts and audio teaching CDs for you to take or give to someone.
Women’s Bible Study - Each week on Tuesday at 9:30am. We are studying the book God of Covenant, an in depth study of Genesis 12-50 written by Jen Wilkin. Nursery will is provided for ages infant - 4. Please signup in the narthex or email for more info.
Foundations - Foundations returning Wednesdays beginning February 2nd. The meal will be served in the Family Life Center at 5:30pm. Men and Women’s book studies and discipleship opportunities for all ages will run from 6:15-7:15pm. Nursery will be provided.
Men's Book Study - Beginning Wednesdays, February 2nd, during Foundations, there will be a men's book study on Concise Theology by J.I. Packer. Pick up a copy in the narthex for $10.
Women’s Book Study - Wednesdays, February 2nd, during Foundations, there will be a women's study on Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkins. Pick up a copy in the narthex for $10.
Hospitality volunteers needed - If you are interested in serving on the church hospitality team, please contact Jenny Roberts at
Cornerstone Prayer Request
- Student Ministry - Please be in prayer for those students attending Providence Presbytery’s annual Student “Roots Retreat" this weekend. May the Lord use this time to bear much fruit for the kingdom in the lives of Cornerstone’s students!
- Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
- Pray for healing - Amy Eckenrode, Ed Pendergrass, April DeJong, Earl Ricks, Anna Parks, Terry Ware, Mari Carmen Wendorf, Cate Garner and Cate Trotter.
- Pray for our nursing home resident - Ruby Petcher
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Julia King (March), Yatang Cohee and Abby Junen (May), Amanda Pendergraft (July).
- Please pray for Sam and Hannah Kawell in their adoption process.
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships -John Perrit with Reformed Youth Ministries and Westminster PCA, Huntsville - Pastor Joe Steele
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.