Dear Church Family and Friends,
Last week our sermon passage was on 2 Peter 3:1-2 where we observed that the Apostle Peter was trying to stir things up in the local church. The way the apostle sought to do this was by reminders. He wanted to reminded them of the importance of the Word of God and the application of the Gospel to their daily lives. Even the most spiritually minded among us still need reminders.
The new year is a great time to make some new year’s resolutions. But let's make sure they are biblical resolutions. What are the resolutions that Bible is constantly calling us to be reminded?
- Remember the importance of the Word of God in your daily life. The way that we do this is realize, as Pastor Dane Ortlund says, the Bible “is your greatest earthly treasure. You will stand in strength, and grow in Christ, and walk in joy, and bless this world no further than you know this book.” Ortlund goes on to quote from the introduction to the Gideon Bible that says the Bible “contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.” Pray that God would give you a renewed love for His Word.
- Remember the importance and the priority of the local church. God has ordained the local body of Christ to help us grow and change. This growth and change often happens through prayer and fellowship with other believers. Perhaps God is calling you to not just get involved with more activity at church this year but to go deeper … deeper in relationships, deeper in worship, deeper in communion with God and His people. One way you can do that is through the discipleship opportunities being offered this Spring. (See the details in the announcements below.)

- Remember the power of the Gospel. We live in a day and age when every instance of every day is telling you and me how to live our lives and what the most important thing of the moment is that we need to stop everything we are doing and make that the priority! We are also being bombarded with false truths. It is so hard to know the truth in this confusing world. We are living in the great epistemological crisis! This is why we need to be reminded today that only the Gospel has the power to actually change lives and make sense of this world.
- Remember the importance of the sacraments. The Westminster Shorter Catechism, question #88, tell us that "the way that Christ communicates to us the benefits of redemption, are his ordinances, especially the word, sacraments, and prayer; all which are made effectual to the elect for salvation." Additionally, the WSC #92 that "by the sacraments the benefits of the new covenant, are represented, sealed, and applied to believers." And of course the ULTIMATE REMINDER that was instituted for us by the Lord Jesus Christ is communion, the Lord’s Supper. For when we partake of the elements the Lord Jesus says, “Do this in remembrance of me.”
May God help us today to live and apply these Gospel reminders to our daily lives and may we be stirred up to live holy and faithful for Him!
See you Sunday!
by His Grace and to His Praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship
January 16, 2022
How is God calling you to serve in the local church? How do you plan to support the worship and work of the church in the new year?
The Lord is blessing Cornerstone! We are growing in numbers and ministry. As we continue our mission to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow and serve together ... how will you serve?
In the new year we will restart an old ministry program that we are excited to bring back called FOUNDATIONS. This ministry takes place on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:15pm. There will be discipleship opportunities for children, students and adults.
Because of this growth, will you consider serving either on Sundays or Wednesdays in the new year?
- To serve in the nursery, please contact
- To serve in children's ministry, please contact
- To serve in student ministry, please contact
- To serve alongside the deacons in works of service, please contact
Among the various opportunities for serving in our local church, the hospitality department is one to consider. Many hands make light work, and this is never truer than in serving food and beverages, or in being a friendly face as folks walk in the door. There is a place for you among the many ongoing and occasional events that require hands to serve - the Foundations meal, Sunday morning hot beverage service, holiday brunches, and more. Or can you hand out bulletins while giving a warm welcome to guests and members as they come into the church? If you are ready to serve Cornerstone and would like to check into these opportunities, please contact Jenny Roberts for general hospitality at or Jenni Boerner for the greeters ministry at
- If you are not sure where to serve, contact
Bikes for Students (service opportunity) - There are a few international students at UAH who are in need of a bicycle. There is a need for both women's and men's bicycles. If anyone has an old bicycle that they are willing to donate to InFocus, please contact Seth Waldecker at Bicycles in need of some repair might also be helpful depending on how much work needs to be done on them. Please make arrangements to drop them off at the church office.
Women’s Bible Study - Begins Tuesday, January 18th at 9:30am. We will study the book God of Covenant, an in depth study of Genesis 12-50 written by Jen Wilkin. Nursery will be provided for ages infant - 4. Please signup in the narthex or email for more info.
Women’s Ministry - Ladies prayer time, Thursday, January 20th at 10am. Email Elena Lewis your prayer request.
Foundations - Foundations returning Wednesdays beginning February 2nd. The meal will be served in the Family Life Center at 5:30pm. Men and Women’s book studies and discipleship opportunities for all ages will run from 6:15-7:15pm. Nursery will be provided.
Men's Book Study - Beginning Wednesdays, February 2nd, during Foundations, there will be a men's book study on Concise Theology by J.I. Packer. Pick up a copy in the narthex for $10.
Women’s Book Study - Wednesdays, February 2nd, during Foundations, there will be a women's study on Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkins. Pick up a copy in the narthex for $10.
Hospitality volunteers needed - If you are interested in serving on the church hospitality team, please contact Jenny Roberts at
Cornerstone Prayer Request
- Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
- Pray for healing - Amy Eckenrode, Ed Pendergrass, April DeJong, Earl Ricks, Anna Parks, Terry Ware, Mari Carmen Wendorf, Cate Garner and Cate Trotter.
- Pray for our nursing home resident - Ruby Petcher
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Julia King (March), Yatang Cohee and Abby Junen (May), Amanda Pendergraft (July).
- Please pray for Sam and Hannah Kawell in their adoption process.
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Friends of Eastern Europe, and Village Church, Huntsville, AL , Pastor Alex Shipman
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
This week's highlighted ministry:
Friends of Eastern Europe
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.