Pastor's Corner
Dear Cornerstone Family and Friends,
This past Sunday was our first Sunday to worship in our new church home! What a wonderful and glorious Sunday it was! It was so great, LET'S DO IT AGAIN! and AGAIN! and AGAIN! Every Lord's Day until He returns!
We also began a new sermon series in Second Peter called Growing in Grace. That is our prayer and our desire as we begin this new season in the life of our church ... that we would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). Let us ask God to do that now as we prepare for corporate worship together on Sunday.
Below are some pictures of this wonderful occasion. Join us for fellowship in the Family Life Center from 9:45-10:45am. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet folks you don't see at both services.
See you Sunday!
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - September 19, 2021
Sunday Procedures in our New Church Home
- We will continue with two identical worship services each Sunday at 8:30am and 11:00am.
- Limited seating is available in the balcony and can be accessed via the 2nd floor landing.
- The seating arrangement will be new, please be sure to accommodate visitors and those looking for multiple seats.
- Please be sure to grab a bulletin as your guide to worship.
- Communion will be observed this Sunday. We plan to have one passing of the elements, please take two cups, one for bread and one for juice.
- Parking is available on the west and east side of the building. Parking is limited - please try to limit the number of cars per family.
- Handicap accessibility is on the east side of the building - towards Monte Sano.
- The east entrance does have a drive where you can drop off if needed. Please do not block this drive.
- Please enter the east parking lot from Owens Drive, not McClung.
- Please watch for children crossing the parking lots - especially between main building and the Family Life Center.
- A handicap bathroom is available on the first floor near the fellowship hall.
- Bathrooms are available on the first and second floor hallways.
- Nursery is available during the worship service only. Please pick up your children during the fellowship hour between services.
- Nursery for infants to 3 years of age is located on the first floor. Please follow the signs to the check-in area and a volunteer will assist you in finding your child's room.
Sunday School
- Sunday School will not meet for the month of September.
- Sunday School will resume on Sunday, October 3rd with multiple adult classes, junior and senior high classes, and children's ministry.
Fellowship Hour
- During the month of September, coffee and light refreshments will be served in the Family Life Center from 9:45-10:45am.
- Children will be allowed to play in the gym with parental supervision, but not allowed on the track.
- This is a new location with lots of room for children to roam. It will be important for parents with young children to keep their children with them at all times.
- Please use the crosswalk to walk between the family life center and the main building
- Children 5th grade and under cannot cross the parking lot to go to the gym without adult supervision.
- Please do not allow children to go behind the stage in the sanctuary.
- In general, there are many places for children to wander off so it is imperative that children are supervised by family members.
Wednesday night ministries
- Foundations will resume in 2022.
- A nursery will not be offered on Wednesdays this Fall.
- Youth group, men’s and women’s Bible studies will be offered beginning September 15th.
- We can't wait to worship our Lord Jesus and grow in grace with you THIS Sunday!
Name Tags! Please use a name tag found in the church foyer as we learn each other's names.
Fellowship Hour - Join us today in the Family Life Center 9:45-10:45 for coffee and light refreshments.
Adult Sunday School Leaders Meeting - Meets today, 9:45am, in the Gathering Room on the 1st floor.
Sunday School Classes - There will be no Sunday School Class during the month of September. Classes will resume in October.
Ladies Prayer Time - This Thursday, September 23 at 10:00am on the 2nd floor. Please send prayer requests to Elena Lewis (
Fall Discipleship - The following discipleship opportunities are offered at the church during the week.
- Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets Tuesdays, 9:15am.
- Ladies Wednesday Evening Study meets Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm.
- Men’s Wednesday Evening Study meets Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm.
- Middle and High School Students meets Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm.
Address Change - Please make a note of our new mailing address if you or your bank mails your contributions to the church. 1413 McClung Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.
Cornerstone Prayer Request
- Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Gail Kimrey, Matthew Lawrence, Rick McCann, Alan Patterson, Randy Petcher, and Bill & JoAnn Sneed.
- Pray for healing - Maria Chisum, Earl Ricks, Stanley Cross.
- Pray for our nursing home residents - Ruby Petcher & Marcy Renegar.
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Olivia Hitt (October), Amy Eckenrode December), Julia King (March).
- Pray for the people of Haiti and Afghanistan.
- Pray for all the logistics and plans as we continue ministry at our new location.
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Grace Fellowship Presbyterian, Alberville, AL (Pastor-Rev. Jackie Gaston) and John Perritt with RYM.
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning for changes or additions to the prayer requests.