Newsletter: April 15, 2022

As we continue to focus our hearts, our minds, our very lives towards Jesus, we remember He was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification. (Romans 4:25 ESV) The crucifixion and the resurrection mean everything!

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: April 1, 2022
Come join us  for our last FOUNDATIONS for this semester this Wednesday night with a fellowship meal starting at 5:30 PM.
Dinner 5:30 PM until 6:15 PM in the Family Life Center. Meals are available for $5 a person ($20 max per family).  
Discipleship at 6:15pm for all ages! 
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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: February 18, 2022

This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series on The Ten Commandments. Actually, only in last 500 years did they begin to be called the Ten Commandments. The Hebrew Old Testament actually refers to this section as The Ten Words or the Ten Pronouncements (Exodus 34:28). This is also why the Ten Commandments are referred to as the Decalogue.

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Wilson Shirley
Newsletter: February 11, 2022

One of the important spiritual disciplines that we should all practice in our walk with Christ is meditation. The idea of meditation has unfortunately been identified in our culture with non-Christian systems of thought rather than biblical Christianity. I hope we can change our thinking on that.

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Wilson Shirley