Pastor's Corner - Worship Update

Dear Friends,

 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 122:1 ESV)

This week the Session made the decision to resume in-person worship on Sunday, August 2nd. We will go back to two worship services at 9am and 10:45am. Of course the Session does not want anyone to feel pressure to return to the building if you are not comfortable. However, we do want to encourage everyone who is willing and able to join us. We will continue to offer live streaming every Sunday morning. We will continue to offer two spaces to worship at each service. And we will continue to have plenty of spacing in each worship space. 

To be clear, THIS Sunday, July 26th, we will be streaming online only at 9:30am

Additionally, in compliance with local health orders, the Session would like to ask all members and guests to wear a face mask or covering while in the building on Sunday morning. We are hopeful that this requirement will help us to continue to gather safely and prevent unintended spread of the virus. We are aware that there have been several outbreaks in churches in our area and so we are in high hopes that social distancing between families and face covering will reduce the spread of the virus. 

Please remember some of our COVID-19 protocols:If you or a member of your household are sick, experiencing symptoms of any kind, or have experienced symptoms of any kind in the past 10 days, or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, we encourage you to stay home and view our worship service online at This is in accordance with CDC guidelines. Insofar as it is possible, maintain 6-feet of separation between households. Please refrain from handshakes, hugs and other close contact at church.Please wear a mask or face covering while in the building. At this time, we will not be resuming Sunday School for several reasons, chief among them is that we do not have the space to adequately spread out and social distance at this time and hold two worship services. We are working toward a plan to resume Sunday School once the pandemic subsides. 

Discipleship is obviously a core value of Cornerstone and something we want to pursue as much as possible. Therefore, we want to encourage all of our men and women to consider signing up for a small group this Fall. There will be several options offered that will meet either in person or virtually. We want everyone to have the opportunity to grow and be discipled. Additionally, we are in hopes of resuming FOUNDATIONS on Wednesday nights this September. We obviously will be monitoring the local health data to make sure this is a safe thing to do but we are eager to provide opportunities for our children and youth to gather and be discipled. 

Of course, all of this is subject to change in a moment's notice if things deteriorate here locally. If things change, we will keep you apprised of those changes. Please continue to pray as we ask the LORD for wisdom and understanding on how best to move forward with planning and ministry. As we consider all these things, I am reminded each day of this truth, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16:9 ESV) 

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - July 26, 2020

This Sunday's sermon:  "PTL!"  - Psalm 33
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: “But the real meaning of the clause, Praise befits the upright, is, that there is no exercise in which they can be better employed. And, assuredly, since God by his daily benefits furnishes them with such matter for celebrating his glory, and since his boundless goodness, as we have elsewhere seen, is laid up as a peculiar treasure for them, it were disgraceful and utterly unreasonable for them to be silent in the praises of God.” - John Calvin
Hymn of the Week:  Oh, The Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.

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