Pastor's Corner - In-Person Worship Resumes
Dear Friends,
This Sunday, Cornerstone will resume in-person worship at 9:00am and 10:45am. We will still be streaming online at both of these times. The Session asks that everyone please wear a mask.
These are crazy times that we are living in, but our God is faithful and sovereign. I'm so thankful that we serve the Living God in whom we can trust. As David taught us in Psalm 33,
Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (Psalms 33:20–22 ESV)
As we will welcome back people into the church building for corporate worship, the Session believes that we can now do so safely with the current data from our community. However, we must all do our part and follow our health officials advice so that we do not inadvertently spread the virus.
Please be in prayer. Below is a robust list of ways we can pray for each other and our community. Please be in prayer for our leadership - that we would make wise decisions that honor God and demonstrate love for people. And let's also be in prayer for our families. So many are struggling with school and work decisions. Pray that God's wisdom and favor would be upon us.
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on Sunday and for those of you who will join us online, we are thankful that you are with us in spirit.
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - August 2, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: "A Hymn and A Sermon" - Psalm 34
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: C.H. Spurgeon, the great 19th century baptist preacher in London said this about Psalm 34, “The first ten verses are a hymn, and the last twelve a sermon.”
Hymn of the Week: Thy Mercy, My God
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.