Pastor's Corner - Communion

Please watch this video update from Pastor Wilson on Communion Procedures during COVID.

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we have the opportunity to do something we have not done since March of this year. It has been too long! It has left us hungry, unsatisfied, famished. It is the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion. I am longing for this means of grace and I hope you are as well. 

The Session has wrestled for months on how we can bring back Communion, knowing that it will have to be much different than before due to all the health and safety protocols that we must follow. We believe we have found a solution. The video linked in this newsletter will explain how we will observe the sacrament of Communion this Sunday. 

As you prepare your hearts, let me give you just a few pointers.Elders will come through the rows to distribute the prepackaged communion with masks and gloves on. Please take only one package. (Separate GF wafers are available in the center of each communion tray.  Please still take the prepackaged cup for the juice.)Please hold each element separately so that we can observe Communion together during the worship service.I will give detailed instructions on what to do during the service. Notice that the bread will peel away first from the cup and then you will have to peel back another lid to expose the juice. We will take the elements separately, not together. Masks may be removed temporarily to take the elements. Please dispose of the empty package after the worship service. At this time, the Session has decided that Communion will only be observed for those attending the in-person worship services only. We understand that many of you are not comfortable coming back to in-person worship and we understand that. Please continue to worship online with us during this time. Although you may not be able to physically take communion with us, please pray that God would nourish you by His grace with the truth that Jesus's body was given and that His blood was shed for those who believe in Him. 

Let us meditate on these amazing truths in preparation: "We will feast in the house of Zion. We will sing with our hearts restored. He has done great things, we will say together. We will feast and weep no more." - Sandra McCracken. 

See you Sunday!

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - August 9, 2020

This Sunday's sermon: "How Long, O Lord?"  - Psalm 35
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:  “The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes.” (Isaiah 42:13 ESV)
Hymn of the Week:  Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.

Wilson's Weekly
4 Questions about Parenting and Screen Time
Podcast: Hymns and the Joy of Singing (Kristyn Getty)
Despair and Light from the Rubble of Beirut