Pastor's Corner - A Living Hope
Dear Friends,
One of my greatest privileges as a pastor is to be able to preach the Word of God to you every week. I simply love it and I am extremely grateful for the attention and hunger that you have for God's Word. Our study this summer through Psalms 25-36 have been so good and timely to help us worship and encourage us in our walk with God. It has been true that "most of the Scripture speaks to us, while the Psalms speak for us" said Athanasius of Alexandria. God's Word has been the balm that we have needed during this pandemic.
I recently read a very helpful prayer in The Valley of Vision that is a wonderful prayer of praise and a reminder of our need of God's Word:Thy Word is full of promises, flowers of sweet fragrance, fruit of refreshing flavour when cultivated by faith. May I be made rich in its riches, be strong in its power, be happy in its joy, abide in its sweetness, feast on its preciousness, draw vigour from its manna. Lord, increase my faith.This is my prayer as we continue to abide in Christ through the preaching of the Word. This is also why I'm grateful to continue on this journey as we begin a new sermon series this Fall on the book of 1 Peter. One of you keenly pointed out that in our study of Psalm 36, we noted that the Bible tells us who we are and now 1 Peter will elaborate on that question as the Apostle Peter writes his letter to the "elect exiles." Who are you? If you are in Christ, you are the elect!
The title of our study in 1 Peter will be a A Living Hope. That is the message that Peter wants to convey to the church in his letter. He wants to encourage that church that even in face of trials and persecution, we have a living hope, not a dead hope, not a false hope, not a hope in hope, but a life-giving hope in Christ.
It is my hope that through this study we will all mature in Christ and find our hope in Him and not in this world. "Lord, increase my faith!' May that be our prayer.
See you Sunday!
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - August 23, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: "A Living Hope" - I Peter 1:1-5
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "Peter's guidance is perfect for Christians who hope to engage their culture in uncertain times." - Dan Doriani
Hymn of the Week: Be Thou My Vision
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Wilson's Weekly
Check this out for a possible new personal worship resource: Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible
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