Pastor's Corner - Sunday School

Dear Friends,

The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard in many ways. One of the ways that it has been hard on us as a church family is how one of our most important vehicles for community and discipleship has been taken away. Yes, I'm talking about Sunday School.

Since the very beginning of Cornerstone, Sunday School has been a part of our DNA. When the church first began, there was a desire in the leadership to offer opportunities for people to fellowship with each other around the Word of God. Thus Sunday School began the same time the church started Sunday morning worship. Since that time, Sunday School for children, youth and adults has been a major emphasis for Cornerstone. ... And we miss it! 

It is the hope of the Session that Sunday School will resume early in the new year. I know this seems like a long way away, but with the holidays and Christmas breaks, it will be here before we know it!

Before we can start back, there are many logistical issues that we will be working through. Things like a new Sunday morning schedule with two worship services, how to created adequate spacing, what are the new healthy and safety guidelines from the CDC, childcare and nursery, ... just to name a few.

One area in which we will especially need help is Children's Sunday School. In order for us to resume Sunday School, we will need new volunteers for children and nursery ministry. If you are interested and willing to serve in one of these areas, please let the staff know. We need laborers to help us fulfill the Great Commission right here at Cornerstone. 

In the meantime, please be in prayer for the staff and officers as we work through all these questions. 

See you Sunday! 

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - October 11, 2020

 This Sunday's sermon: "The Good of Biblical Authority"  -  I Peter 2:13-20
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:  "For this reason God has ordained two governments: the spiritual, by which the Holy Spirit produces Christians and righteous people under Christ; and the temporal, which restrains the un-Christian and wicked so that-no thanks to them-they are obliged to keep still and to maintain an outward peace. Thus does St. Paul interpret the temporal sword in Romans 13 [:3], when he says it is not a terror to good conduct but to bad. And Peter says it is for the punishment of the wicked [I Peter 2:14]." - Martin Luther on Temporal Authority.
Hymn of the Week:   Behold the Lamb
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