Pastor's Corner - Ministry Updates

Dear Friends,

I wanted to give you a couple of brief updates and reminders regarding Cornerstone ministry.

First, please continue to pray for the work of the Building Committee. In the coming weeks, they will be meeting with construction companies who might possibly be selected to build our new church home. Please also continue to pray that God would provide! While God continues to bless the Abounding initiative, we still must trust him to provide - especially as there are sure to be unknown variables in the construction process. 

Second, a few weeks ago I wrote about our desire to return to Sunday School in the new year. One of the key pieces that we are praying for is that God would raise up leaders to teach and disciple our children. If you are interested, please contact Also, pray for the staff as we work out all the logistics of gathering smaller groups than we have since the pandemic. 

Third, please be in prayer for a small creative team that we have gathered to create a new church logo and website. It has been about seven years since we have done a refresh on these things. I'm excited that we will renew these important tools as we prepare to move downtown. 

Finally, this Sunday the sermon is on marriage. I'm looking forward to us focusing on this important biblical institution as we all need to be growing in this area as a congregation. Perhaps a question to ask right now is: "What am I doing to invest in my marriage (or future marriage)?" 

See you Sunday! 

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - October 25, 2020
 This Sunday's sermon: "The Ministry of Marriage"  I Peter 3:1-7
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: “The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected and near his heart to be beloved.” - Matthew Henry
Hymn of the week: May the Peoples Praise You
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.

 Wilson's Weekly
Aslan's Legacy at 70
Three Essential Characteristics of Every Biblical Counselor
Reading Too Much Political News Is Bad for Your Well-Being (Disclaimer: author makes good points, minus the following Budda stuff)