Pastor's Corner - Freedom!

Dear Friends,

I'm sure you have all noticed, but next week there is a national election. On this day, Americans will go to the polls to cast their ballot for President of the United States and many of us will also be voting on those who will represent us in the United States Senate. "Click here for sample ballot."

It is a great privilege to be an American. Among our many privileges is our right to vote and vote our conscience. I think we take this right and this freedom for granted. All you have to do is a short Google search of other countries around the world to find that there are many places where people do not have the freedom or right to choose their leaders in government. 

As important as our right to vote is, it is not our greatest freedom. I think our greatest freedom is found in the First Amendment of our Constitution - the freedom of religion. I don't think we all realize how important and wonderful this freedom truly is. In fact, an argument can be made from history that it is the most important value in the founding of our country - a place where anyone can worship freely without government interference. 

So important is this freedom that I want to highlight it as we think about Election Day on Tuesday, November 3rd. On this day, let us remember, we do not worship government. We do not worship men or women who serve as leaders over us. In America, we do not even elect a king to rule over us. But, as the Church, we do have a king and we do worship this king. Who is this king? The preface to the Book of Church Order describes this so well as it states that Jesus Christ alone is the King and Head of the Church.

I think you know this. I hope that we all confess that Jesus is Lord and God. And because He is Lord and God, let us remember that He is sovereign - that He rules and reigns over everything. Everything happens for His good and sovereign purposes. Every good and evil ruler has been elected or chosen throughout the history of the world because God ordained it to be so. 

Let us keep these wonderful truths in mind as we go to vote next week. Let us be thankful that we have the right and privilege to vote. Let us vote knowing that Jesus is King and He is sovereign over every government (Romans 13). And let us remember that while elections are important and have consequences, they are not ultimate. God is ultimate. 

It is not my place or my calling to tell you how to vote. I'm quite frankly ready for this election season to be over. I will tell you that it is okay if you feel you are an exile in this world ... because you are! This is what the whole book of First Peter has been about. But even though you and I may not feel like we belong to this world, we are still called to glorify God and promote biblical values in every way possible. Elections are one good way in which we can do that. My hope is that men and women will be called to serve in government who will glorify God by governing in such a way that it brings Him glory and cares for our neighbors. 

I'm praying for you and for me and for Cornerstone ... that we would be bold and encouraged to point people to the One, True King! 

Soli Deo Gloria!  See you Sunday! 

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

And remember.......Turn your clocks BACK tomorrow night!


Preparation for Worship - November 1, 2020
This Sunday's sermon:  "Called To Be A Blessing" - 1 Peter 3:8-17
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."  (1 Peter 3:15 ESV)
Hymn of the week:Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
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Wilson's Weekly
Why Many Americans Will Be Shocked on Election Day. 
Podcast: How Should Christians Navigate Political Disagreements among Friends?
What is Reformation Day?