Dear Friends,This Sunday we will begin a new summer sermon series in Psalm 119 called, Blessed Are Those Who Love the Word. I have found this Psalm to be one of the richest blessings in my spiritual life.This Psalm is an immersive experience into the divine law of God with all its beauty, excellence and its necessity in the Christian life. Psalm 119 is chock full of applications and exhortations on how to live the Christian life and how to cling to God in times of stress, depression and need. Martin Luther stated:
It contains prayers, consolations, doctrines, thanksgivings, and repeats all these with a varied fullness. It is given forth with a deep and blessed intent; namely, that by this repetition and fullness, it may invite and exhort us to hear and diligently to treasure up the word of God.
We will not cover all 22 stanzas but we will dive as deeply as we can into as many stanzas as we can over the summer months of May, June and July. I encourage you to read a stanza each day or even one stanza every day for a whole week to soak in the truth and meaning of this Psalm.I cannot wait to study this portion of God's Word with you! See you Sunday!By His grace and to His praise,Wilson