Dear Friends,Graduation season is just around the corner. We will celebrate several of our high school and college students that will be preparing for a new phase of life. It is an exciting time for them and for us, as we have the privilege of sending graduates out to new communities and to other churches and ministries that will have a part in their ongoing discipleship.On May 21st, we will have a special time of recognizing graduates during the worship service and then will have some light refreshments downstairs so that you can stop by and congratulate them personally on the way to Sunday School. As we look forward to this celebration, consider how you can encourage the graduates and their families as they prepare to make this transition.- Pray for them. Pray specifically for them to be able to plug-in to a church community and campus ministry. Pray for them as they consider God’s calling on their life in all areas. On the day of the graduate recognition, we will have a booklet with names and pictures of the graduates that you can take home as a reminder to pray for them.- Pray for their parents. If you have walked this road previously, encourage them and be a resource to them as they prepare to send their child to college. Offer kleenex when necessary!- Be an ongoing cheerleader for these graduates. When they come back home on breaks, greet them and see how you can encourage them.- Pray for and support their campus ministries. RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) is our denominational campus ministry and is located on several campuses in this state and across the nation.Cornerstone has recently launched a class for young adults and college students, as we desire to continue to serve these graduates when they are home and care for them during this unique time of life. We look forward to seeing how God will continue to work in their lives and prepare them for service in His Kingdom.Blessings,
Pastor Brian