Pastor's Corner - Ministry Updates
Dear Friends,
Last week we announced some exciting news for children! Cornerstone will hold its very first VBS on July 13-17, 2015. Lauren Davenport has agreed to be the director and is starting to build the volunteer team. We are encouraging anybody with time and talents to volunteer for this wonderful ministry of discipleship to our kids. We are especially excited about having our teenagers serve the children during this week.
This Sunday we will inaugurate another ministry that will be a blessing to the junior high and high school students of Cornerstone as they will have their first youth group. The youth will gather at the Honeywell's home from 5:30-7:00. Pizza will be provided. Youth Group will be a time of fellowship, worship, games and teaching. Mike King and the youth committee have done a great job planning for this time of fellowship and discipleship for the youth. Please make plans for your student to attend. More details will be forthcoming on this new program.
This Sunday will kick off daylight savings time so don't forget to set your clock FORWARD Saturday night before you go to bed! I'm looking forward to a time of worship and celebrating the Lord's Supper with you this Sunday!
Lastly, I know that many of you have been praying fervently before our Heavenly Father to give us guidance as we seek a long-term solution to our facility needs. The Cornerstone officers and various committees of the church have been hard at work, doing their due diligence on a potential facility for Cornerstone to lease. Although we are not ready to make an announcement yet, we do ask that you pray the Lord's will to be done in this matter. We simply want to worship and be the church where the Lord wants us to be. More to come!
by His grace and to His praise,