Pastor's Corner - "Worship Notes"

Dear Friends,

This past Sunday I had the honor and privilege of being the pastor and being in the pulpit of Cornerstone for one year! It is hard to believe. In many ways it feels like I just got here and in other ways it feels like we still trying to get settled. One thing is for sure, my family and I love our church! We are so thankful to be here with you, living life and doing ministry together. Thank you for how you have supported us and prayed for us.
It is also hard to believe that I will be celebrating my second Easter with you. In just a few weeks, we will begin the celebration of Holy Week. Holy Week will begin on Palm Sunday with joy and expectation. Our children will be helping to lead us in worship as the palm branches will be waving and hallelujahs will be sung to our Savior.  My sermon mini-series is entitled Easter According to Matthew's Gospel. Since we have been studying the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, I thought it fitting to stay in the Gospel of Matthew to see what God's Word teaches us about the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm looking forward to this celebration with you!
Starting this week, I hope to include in the pastor's corner each week a section called Worship Notes. I plan to include some tidbits about each Sunday's upcoming worship service so that you can prepare to praise our King and Savior Jesus:
Worship Notes for Sunday, March 15:
  • We are still in our sermon series on Kingdom Living: A Study of the Sermon on the Mount. In this series, Jesus is teaching us what it means to be a disciple in His kingdom. Currently we are in a series within a series on The Lord's Prayer. This Sunday, we will be looking at the second petition, Your kingdom come. We will look in depth at the meaning of the kingdom in the Bible and what this petition means for the Christian life.
  • Because there is not near enough time to plumb the depths of kingdom theology in the Bible, I want to recommend two books on the kingdom. One is a children's Bible called The Big Picture Story BibleThis resource, written by David Helm, is excellent! Grown ups! - don't be surprised if you find it very informative and instructive for understanding the Bible's "big picture." The next book is God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible by Vaughn Roberts. Again, this is an excellent resource for understanding kingdom theology in Scripture.
  • In anticipation of Easter, we will introduce a new song this week by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend called See What a Morning. I encourage you to listen to this song so that you know the tune as we sing it in worship this SundayClick here to listen. 
  • Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.
See you Sunday!

by His grace and to His praise,
