Pastor's Corner - VBS!
Dear Friends,
I'm thrilled to announce to you that Cornerstone will strive to have its first Vacation Bible School this summer! Tentatively, the dates have been set for July 13-17, 2015.
Our theme for this summer will be "The Scottish Sleuths and The Case of the Hidden Hero." It is an in-depth study of the entire Book of Esther, presenting the amazing story of God’s providential protection of His people. The overall goal of this study is for your children to come to know and love God, their “Hidden Hero."
Lauren Davenport has agreed to be the director for this special time for our church family this summer. She is excited and has already begun the planning process. Lauren is looking for different folks to volunteer as coordinators to lead the different parts of VBS. If you are interested in being a coordinator for teaching, crafts, recreation, snacks, etc... please see Lauren.
Please be in prayer for VBS and for Cornerstone as we undertake this ministry so vital to our families and the discipleship of our children.
by His grace and to His praise,