Pastor's Corner - Love Books?
Dear Church Family,
As most of you probably know, I LOVE books, especially Christian books. I love to read them and give them away. I know that many of you share that same passion. I also know that many of you are always looking for recommendations of good books that you can read to help you grow in a particular area of the Christian life. To that end, I'm excited to announce that we are starting a Cornerstone Bookshelf Ministry.
Located in the church office foyer is a new bookshelf that will serve as the primary location of this ministry. This area will have three components:
- One side of the book shelf will have free books, tracts and audio teaching CDs for you to take or give to someone. That's right, FREE! These books have been properly vetted - they are Reformed and have been read by one of our leaders.
- On the other side there will be other great books that you can buy for a small donation of $5 (or more if you like). These are books the church was able to purchase at a discount and ones that I personally recommend.
- On the floor next to the bookshelf will be a donation box. This will be an area that you can drop off Christian books that you no longer use. These books will be donated to Edwin L. Hodges Ministries, a ministry located in Decatur that ships Christian books around the world to areas that don't have access to good, Christian resources.
Craig Akridge will lead this ministry of Cornerstone. If you have questions about books, would like to make a donation, or anything else related to this great resource, please contact Craig:
I hope this resource ministry will be a blessing to you and our church so that we may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
Looking forward to worshipping with you on this Lord's Day!
Your pastor,

Worship Notes: January 31, 2016
- This Sunday we will continue in our new year sermon series, Sovereign Grace: Our Adoption, Ephesians 1:5.
- In preparation for the sermon: "...our reconciliation [and adoption] with God gives us a relationship with him that should alter the way we respond to everything. God is now my Father and I am his child. He looks on me with favor. I am the object of his attention and affection. I have access to his care. He blesses me with his resources. He offers ongoing forgiveness and cleansing as I struggle with sin. He promises never to leave or forsake me. He makes a commitment to finish the work of change he has begun in me." - Tim Lane and Paul Tripp, Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
- A new hymn for the week: Children of the Living God
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Another resource: Click here.
- The New Tolerance Must Crumble based on an interview with Don Carson. Click here.
- Parents with children still at home, please consider this, Family Worship 101.