Pastor's Corner
Dear Church Family,
I would like to update you this week on a few church matters.
First, praise God for the answer to prayer that Brian Russ has been approved for transfer by the Candidates and Credentials Committee and will appear before Presbytery on February 9th. Please continue to pray for their family as they hope to move this weekend, weather permitting.
Second, please be in prayer for myself and some other leaders as we travel to Atlanta this week to attend the Life-on-Life clinic at Perimeter PCA. We are hopeful that this clinic will offer us some encouragement in growing deeper as disciples of Jesus. Learn more about it here.
Third, please mark your calendars for February 14th as we celebrate the Lord's Supper and install Brian Russ as Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone pending approval by Presbytery. There will be no Sunday School on this day as we will have a reception in the Fellowship Hall to welcome the Russes.
Looking forward to worshipping with you on this Lord's Day!
Your pastor,

Worship Notes: January 24, 2016
- This Sunday we will continue in our new year sermon series, Sovereign Grace: The Love You've Always Wanted, Ephesians 1:4-6.
- In preparation for the sermon: "We do not know who God's elect are. The only way we can find them out is by their response to the gospel and by their subsequent growth in holiness. Our task is to proclaim the Word boldly, knowing that all whom God has elected in Christ before the foundation of the world will surely come to Jesus." - James Montgomery Boice
- A new hymn for the week: Always Thou Lovedst Me (forgive the self-promotion, there was not a video on the version I want us to learn!)
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- J.I. Packer, author of Knowing God and one of my favorite theologians, is about ready to rest in the arms of his Savior. Click here.
- Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Click here.
- Maybe you know someone struggling with pornography. Check out this new app and see if you might can encourage someone with it. Click here.