Pastor's Corner-Looking Ahead

Dear Friends,
I know that many of you have been fervently praying and anxiously awaiting news on what our facility situation will be. I wish that I could definitely say something to you about that now, but I can't. What I can tell you is to please continue to pray fervently and hopefully next week, we will have an update for the future of Cornerstone.
In the meantime, we have some exciting things going on in ministry in the coming weeks and months. I wanted to highlight a few:
  • Women's Ministry: I had a wonderful time sharing with our women this past week at the Women's Ministry Brunch. I'm excited about the discipleship opportunities that our women will have in the Fall of 2015. To learn more please visit:
  • Graduating Seniors: It's hard to believe that it is that time of year for graduations. I'm looking forward to sharing my testimony with our graduates this Sunday and we look forward to May 17th where we will recognize them during our worship service.
  • VBS: Cornerstone's first annual and first ever Vacation Bible School will be July 13-17. Our teams are hard at work for this discipleship event. Please make plans to come and begin to pray about how you may be involved and who you can invite.
  • Missions Committee: Our Missions and Outreach Committee is now chaired by Frank Cohee. The committee is diligently working on their commission to help Cornerstone be committed to our call to reach out and connect with missionaries and mission agencies. Two new agencies we are happy to begin supporting: Sacred Road Ministries - ministering to native Americans in the Pacific Northwest and INFOCUS - ministering to international students at UAH. Please pray for our missions and outreach and be on the lookout for ways to serve through Cornerstone's outreach opportunities.
Worship Notes: April 26, 2015
  • This Sunday we will study the fifth petition of the Lord's prayer, Matthew 6:12. Meditate on this quote from the late New Testament scholar F.F. Bruce - “It is to be expected, then, that those who receive the forgiveness which God holds out in the gospel, those who call him their Father, will display something of his character and show a forgiving attitude to others.”
  • As an act of confession we will read and sing Psalm 51, God Be Merciful to Me, this may be new to you. Listen here
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:
by His grace and to His praise,