Pastor's Corner - Devotional Resource

Dear Friends,
One of the things that I love to do is sermon preparation. Because I love the reading and research process of preparing a sermon, it is also one of the reasons that I know that Lord has called me to be a pastor. (In my line of work this is called being a Big Nerd).
Part of my process of getting ready for a sermon series is to gather all the available resources I can on a particular subject or book of the Bible and see how these resources will serve my preparation time. Most of the time during this gathering phase, I realize that it would be helpful if I order some additional resources to help me with sermon preparation. Books on the Christian life, commentaries and the like are the tools that a pastor works with on a day to day basis.
Oftentimes during the middle of a series, I realize that there is some important resource that I missed that would really be helpful for me to add to my library. During this series on Kingdom Living - exploring the Sermon on the Mount, I have come across a resource that I was unaware of before that I think would actually be very beneficial to you. Reaching the Ear of God: Praying More....And More Like Jesus is an excellent devotional book by Wayne Mack. I have been familiar with Rev. Mack's works on marriage and the church for the past 10-plus years, but was not familiar with this book. Mack does a wonderful job of exploring theological and practical content of the Lord's prayer and shows how helpful Jesus' model is for the Christian life.  I want to recommend it to you as a resource that I believe will strengthen your devotional and prayer life.
Worship Notes: April 19, 2015
  • This Sunday we will study the fourth petition of the Lord's prayer, Matthew 6:11. Meditate on this quote from Sinclair Ferguson in preparation: “If we have all the food in the world, but no Christ, we will ultimately starve. If we have food, with Christ, we have all we shall ever need.”
  • The Lord Will Provide is a hymn that was sung during the offering last week and we will sing it as a congregation this week. Please listen here:
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:

by His grace and to His praise,
