Pastor's Corner - Hope of Easter

PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR BULLETIN! They are available in a bin at the front door to the church at the Old Big Cove entrance. These bulletins were beautifully designed and printed by our own Sarah Robins before the virus changed our course. Please come by and pick up enough for your family.

Dear Friends,

I want to be a positive and encouraging pastor, but I will be honest with you, I am very disappointed to not be with you in person this Easter Sunday. As I said before, the Session would like for us to "revisit" Easter Worship when we can once again gather together in person. Until then, we do have much to be thankful for ... especially as we think on the crucifixion and the resurrection. 

Perhaps not being together in person this Easter season will make us thankful and appreciative of some of the common graces that we take for granted. If I may, I want to list some of these blessings: The fellowship of the saints is one of things that makes celebrating Easter so meaningful. Celebrating the Lord's Supper on Good Friday is to be done together as Jesus intended it.By missing all of these things, we will cherish the Body of Christ gathered as a means of grace.That Hebrews 10:25 will take on a new and fuller meeting: “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."That though we live in a "free" country, gathering together to worship is a huge privilege .... but it can be taken away at a moment's notice.That every Sunday is resurrection Sunday and it is a reminder of the new and renewed life that we need in Christ.These are just a few thoughts that come to mind. What about you? How does not being able to gather together as a church family make you thankful for the blessing that is to be together? 

Below is an article from Ravi Zacharias reflecting on Easter. I love this quote to help us prepare our hearts: I have always believed in the power of the message of Easter, but I believe it even more so now. It is the ultimate message of hope beyond all hopes; in fact, it is the ultimate grounding of hope.
Hoping in Christ,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - April 12, 2020

Resurrection Sunday

This Sunday's sermon: “Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life”        John 11:17-27
Click here for this week's bulletin. 
In preparation for the sermon:   “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.”  (Romans 6:5 ESV)
Hymn of the week:   In Christ Alone
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Wilson's Weekly

PARENTS! Please protect your kids from the internet. 
FREE book (print and audio): Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper
Ravi Zacharias: Easter Reflections from My Hospital Bed