Pastor's Corner - Personal Worship
Dear Friends,
One of the things that I hope has been a great blessing to you and your family during this time is more consistency in personal and family worship.
For about four weeks, we sent out a family and personal worship guide to help you spend time in God's Word. We have decided not to continue that practice in the hope that you have found a rhythm and are now able to do that on your own. If we can help you with some resources to assist you in family and/or personal worship, please contact one of the pastors. We would love to assist you in this good work. In the meantime, here is a great video on How to Do Family Worship.
Don't forget to tune in this Sunday at 9:30am for our live worship service online. I do hope this continues to be a regular pattern of worship and rest for you and your family.
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - April 19, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: “Jesus is the True Vine” John 15:1-17
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "We have no power of doing good but what comes from Himself" - John Calvin
Hymn of the week: All I Have is Christ
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Wilson's Weekly