Pastor's Corner - Questions!
Dear Friends,
Questions! I've got questions. You have questions. The whole world is being forced to ask ultimate questions during this pandemic. Not in our lifetime has there been an event that has literally affected our entire world like the COVID-19 pandemic. I find myself wishing that I could talk to my forefathers and ask them about what it was like to live during the World Wars. I would ask them, "What did you learn from that time? How did you pray?" and I'm sure countless other questions.
We now find ourselves in a time like this. We are all isolated. Our lives have been disrupted. Our routines broken. Our worldviews shattered. Our idols exposed. What is God doing in our world?
Yes, we must affirm that God is sovereign and that His providence rules over all, but there are still "right now" questions. What is God teaching us? What does He want us to do? When is this going to end? How are we to process everything that is going on right now?
Is this really happening? Are we really supposed to just sit at home and not come out? This is not the vision I had for my life or my family and certainly not my ministry!
One of the Apostles of Jesus had an ultimate question for God as well. This question is found in John 14:5, “Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?'" How can we know the way? This is the question that proceeds one of the great "I AM" statements of Jesus that we will explore in this Sunday's sermon.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will look to Jesus and draw strength from Him. “Faith in the Lord Jesus is the only sure medicine for troubled hearts.” - J.C. Ryle.
For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress;
I shall not be greatly shaken.
(Psalm 62:1–2 ESV)
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Wilson's Weekly
How Can a Christian Deal with Loss? (Nancy Guthrie)
Podcast: Where to Find God During COVID-19 (John Lennox)
How I Survive Social Distancing (Paul David Tripp)
Preparation for Worship - April 5, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: “Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life” John 14:1-14
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "Great is the blessedness of looking back to Christ coming the first time to suffer for us, but no less great is the comfort of looking forward to Christ coming the second time, to raise and reward his saints." - J.C. Ryle
Hymn of the week: Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Click HERE for the Family Worship Guide for Holy Week.
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