Pastor's Corner - General Assembly Report

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
I have just returned from a full week at the General Assembly in Chattanooga, TN. It was a fruitful week and I'm happy to report to you that the PCA is still growing in membership and is STILL, "Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission." I'm thankful for my denomination and how God is using it to expand His kingdom on earth.
There is much that I could catch you up on from this past week's GA, but due to time constraints I would like to link a few articles that will help you learn of the work of the Assembly. I want to express a special thanks to you as you prayed diligently for us this past week. Also, I'm thankful to our own John Bise who chaired the Overtures Committee of the PCA General Assembly which is one of the most tiring and labor-intensive jobs at the Assembly, but he did it well and glorified the Lord.
Here are some articles of note:

Worship Notes: June 14, 2015

  • This Sunday the means of grace will be on full display as we will have a baptism and celebrate the Lord's Supper.
  • A hymn to prepare for worship this Sunday: Praise to the Lord the Almighty!
  • The Golden Rule. Very familiar, but do we know what Jesus actually meant by this teaching? This will be one of the focuses of our sermon this Sunday as we continue in our study in Kingdom Living. Matthew 7:12
  • In preparation for the sermon D.A. Carson says, "“We are to do to others what we would have them do to us, not just because we expect the same in return, but because such conduct is the goal of the Law and the Prophets.”
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:

By His Grace and to His praise,Wilson