Pastor's Corner - Call to Prayer
Dear Friends,
As I write this, an awful and downright evil event occurred last night in Charleston, SC where a gunman took the lives of 9 brothers and sisters in Christ at an historic A.M.E. church. It is times like these and evil acts like this that remind us to cry out, "LORD! Rend the heavens! Come, Lord Jesus. Come!" In light of this, the Session would like to invite you to join us for a time of prayer and petition Friday evening, June 19th, 6:30-7:00pm in the sanctuary. No childcare will be provided but of course children are welcome. During this time we will pray for Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC; the Charleston community; the persecuted Church; and for racial reconciliation in the body of Christ and our nation. Let us pray for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to comfort that community and for evil to be overcome by the power of the Gospel.
As most of you probably know, one of my heroes of the faith and a man for whom I have drawn much wisdom and instruction from, is Martin Lloyd-Jones. Recently a wonderful, in-depth documentary on his life and ministry was released call Logic on Fire. I recently received this film and would like to invite all men in the church to join me on for a Men's Movie Night on Wednesday, June 24th, 7pm to watch Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Martin Lloyd-Jones (run time: 1:42:00). Come learn about this man who was trained to be a medical doctor and then was called to be a surgeon of the soul. You can find out more about this documentary at Pizza and drinks will be provided.
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. I have recently met with our VBS leaders and I am thrilled about this discipleship opportunity for our children. To celebrate this week there will be a Church-wide VBS Celebration Dinner/Worship program on Thursday, July 16th at 6pm. This event is for the whole church family and dinner will be provided. Please make plans to join us!
I’m beginning a new feature on the Pastor's Corner that I hope to include every Friday called Wilson’s Weekly. This feature will include things from around the web and other stuff that interest me from the past week. I hope you enjoy!
Worship Notes: June 21, 2015
A "new" hymn to prepare for worship this Sunday: O Church Arise
The Two Ways. Scripture often presents to us two ways, the way of the righteous or the way of the wicked. The narrow way or the wide way. Which way do we go? This will be one of the focuses of our sermon this Sunday as we continue in our study in Kingdom Living. Matthew 7:13-14.
In preparation for the sermon: "There are but two ways right and wrong, good and evil; the way to heaven and the way to hell; in the one or other of these all are walking: there is no middle place hereafter, no middle way now. All the children of men are saints or sinners, godly or ungodly." ~Matthew Henry
Click here for this week's bulletin.
Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:
Wilson's Weekly
Author and newly appointed PCA pastor Kevin DeYoung has written a great post called,10 REASONS I’M THANKFUL FOR THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA.
As I wrote last week, General Assembly was an encouraging time. After a week of reflection, some men who are much more capable of writing and reflecting than me, penned some wonderful summaries. Guest Blogger for Kevin DeYoung, Jason Helopoulos, published, PCA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPORT 2015.
Additionally, there was a very profound moment at GA when the assembly took up the personal resolution on Civil Rights. Pastor Tim Lecroy wrote a great summary of the movement of God's Spirit during the assembly. Read all about it here. Additionally, readthe transcript from Rev. Jim Baird's speech that I truly believe was historic.
Lastly, a beloved author, missionary and widow of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot, went to be with Jesus this week. Two articles of note about her can be found: here and here.
by His grace and to His praise, your pastor,