Pastor's Corner - Fellowship

Dear Friends,
One of the core values and distinctives of Cornerstone is fellowship. Since the beginning fellowship has been at the DNA of our church. There are many different ways that fellowship is offered at Cornerstone but two such ways are underway that I wanted to mention to you.
Just this past week, Jane Bise, chairwoman of our Flower Committee, had an activity to introduce women to the idea of starting a committee that would be in charge of decorating our church for special occasions (Christmas is just right around the corner!). If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Jane at This committee will be a great blessing to our church and also a wonderful opportunity for fellowship while serving together.
Another committee hard at work in our church is the Fellowship Committee led by Gail Kimrey. They have many opportunities ahead on our church calendar for us to fellowship together as a church body. This Saturday, October 17th, we will have a Tailgate Party. All of the details are below. I'm looking forwarded to ringing my cowbell with you!
See you Sunday.
By His grace and to His praise,


Worship Notes: October 18, 2015
  • Hosea 9 is our sermon text this week. It is getting harder and harder to read these words of judgment but God has a good word for His church.
  • In preparation for the sermon: "He asks for adversity because this might lead to repentance. In the same way, we can pray, 'Lord, please deliver our loved ones from adversity. Or use it to strengthen their faith or lead them to Chirst.'" - Tim Chester on Hosea 9:14
  • A new hymn for the week: Come People of the Risen King
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.

Wilson's Weekly