Pastor's Corner - Advent Season
Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe that the we are now entering the holiday season! On our way home from Fall Break, we found a radio station in Birmingham playing non-stop Christmas music. Is that legal?
As we anticipate the holidays, it truly is my favorite time of year and I particularly love it because of the time of worship and fellowship that I get to spend with my church family. With that in mind, I wanted to tell you about some important events coming up in the next few months, as well as inform you about my preaching schedule.
I have loved preaching through Hosea. It has been very difficult to speak week after week on God's judgment, but how sweet it is that week after week, we are brought to the foot of the cross and find a Savior there who forgives us and helps us live a life of repentance and faith. The Gospel According to Hosea will conclude on Sunday, November 22nd. If you have missed any sermons in this series and would like to catch up, you can find them on iTunes here or visit:
Also, on Sunday, November 22nd, we will officially begin the holiday season with a Thanksgiving Celebration right after our morning services at 11:30am. This will be a wonderful time of giving thanks and fellowshipping around a meal together. Please plan to join us. More details to come!
On Sunday, November 29th, the Advent season will begin. Advent is that time in the life of our church where we anticipate, with great joy and hope, the birth of our Savior. I will begin an Advent sermon series that Sunday called The Songs of Christmas where we will study the songs recorded in the Gospel of Luke about the birth of Christ. The series will conclude on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at our annual Christmas Eve Candle Light service. Additionally, on Sunday night, December 20th, we will host a Cornerstone Family Christmas. This is something new we are beginning this year to celebrate Christmas with our church family. At 6pm, we will gather in the sanctuary to sing carols together, have a short devotion and then enjoy Christmas treats and fellowship downstairs afterwards. ALL of this is going to be so much fun!
Last, after a busy holiday season I am looking forward to preaching through the book of Ephesians in the new year. This will be a wonderful study as we examine the theological and practical applications of the Gospel in our every-day lives. I can't wait to dig into God's Word with you through this study.
See you Sunday.
By His grace and to His praise,
Worship Notes: October 25, 2015
- Hosea 10 is our sermon text this week. We will examine the two ways to live according to Hosea 10:12 and 13.
- In preparation for the sermon: "The battle with sin is often painful. But it is worth it. It leads to joy." -Tim Chester
- A new hymn for the week: Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- Great article by Tim Challies on 18 Things I will Not Regret Doing With My Kids
- Thinking about Halloween, here are some helps that I wrote years ago to think through Halloween: