Pastor's Corner - Exciting News!

Dear Friends,

Hopefully by now you have heard the news that God has answered our prayers and has provided a new home for Cornerstone. You can read all about it here:
With this exciting transition, you may be asking, "What's next?" Right now, we are working toward our first Sunday to worship in this new facility to be May 31st. We are also working to relocate our church offices to our new location the week of May 11th.
Some months ago, when our deacons realized that a potential move to a new location was imminent, they asked Carl Jones, a former deacon and capable manager, to head up our transition to this new location. Carl has been hard at work with his transition team to make this move possible. In the coming days and weeks you will learn about opportunities for you to volunteer to help with this transition. Please be on the lookout through our church communications of opportunities to serve.
Please join us for our spring picnic THIS Sunday at Monte Sano! What  great way to celebrate as rejoice in God's provision of a new home for Cornerstone!
Worship Notes: May 3, 2015
  • This Sunday we will conclude our study of the Lord's prayer, Matthew 6:13, the sixth petition. Meditate on these words from the hymn, Before the Throne of God Above: "When Satan tempts me to despair/And tells me of the guilt within - Upward I look and see Him there/Who made an end to all my sin - Because the sinless Saviour died/My sinful soul is counted free - For God the Just is satisfied/To look on Him and pardon me - To look on Him and pardon me."
  • Listen to Help My Unbelief . It is a new hymn that we have introduced recently which ties in well with the sixth petition of the Lord's Prayer.
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:
by His grace and to His praise,