FAQ - Cornerstone Building Transition
Why are we moving? Our existing lease with First Cumberland has expired. Additionally our congregation has experienced significant growth in the past year and so it is necessary to address current needs as well as future growth needs of the congregation. Furthermore, our church offices and all our ministry activities and programs will be combined into one location.
When is the first Sunday to worship in the new building? The first Sunday for worship and Sunday School is tentatively set for May 31st.
What are the new worship times? Our new worship service time will be 9:00a.m. Sunday School will begin at 10:15a.m. Sunday morning services will conclude by 11:15a.m.
Where will we have Sunday School? Our new facility has ample space for Christian education. Nursery and elementary-aged children will enjoy nice, large new rooms on the second floor of the building. Adults, youth and college will enjoy large, open rooms on the first floor.
Where will the church offices be located? Our church offices will now be located in this new facility. Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m./1:00-5:00p.m.
How long will we be there? The initial term of the lease is for three years with the option of three, one-year extensions. Therefore, we will have a total of up to six years to occupy this space.
What will be the new monthly expenses for Cornerstone? The rent will be $6,500 per month. Utilities, maintenance, custodial, property taxes and insurance will be in addition to the rent. We anticipate monthly facility expenses to be approximately $10,000 per month.
What is the long term plan for a location for Cornerstone? The leadership of Cornerstone has always hoped and prayed that the Lord would establish a Reformed, Bible-believing, PCA church in the downtown footprint of Huntsville. It is still our desire that long-term Cornerstone will be able to find a permanent home downtown. We believe being in this new location will give us the time that we need to pray and plan for the future.
Where will we park and enter this new building? The deacons are working diligently to establish a plan for parking, traffic flow, and building entry. Senior adults and families with small children are invited to park in close proximity to the building for easy access. Other able-bodied folks are asked to park in the gravel parking lot north of the building or use the Interior Market Place parking lot. The building can be entered from using the west or east entrances.
What are the needs at this point? Prayer – please pray for wisdom as we make this transition. There is much planning, ordering, and strategizing with this move. Also pray that God will draw more people to himself through this move. Volunteer – This move is like moving to a new house but with no furniture. There will be many opportunities to clean, organize and decorate. Give - We strive to pray and ask God to fuel His kingdom vision for Cornerstone. Please continue to give of your tithes and offerings so that we can continue to be “A community of believers ... devoted to the Apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42)