Pastor's Corner - New Times/New Classes
Dear Friends,
What an exciting week it has been as we anticipate moving into a new building in just three short weeks! This past Sunday the Session determined that our new service times on Sunday mornings will be a 9:00am worship service followed by 10:15am Sunday School program. We are grateful for the ability to have a different service time to better serve our church family. You may have many other questions about our church's transition to this new building - hopefully we have answered most of them by our FAQ fact sheet that we have posted to our website: If there are any other questions that you may have, please speak to one of our church officers.
I also am excited that for a third straight summer we are going to be offering a Summer College Sunday School class. This class will begin on May 31st in our new building and will be led by Dave and Clare Purinton. All recent high school graduates, up through graduate school students, are welcome to join this class. More details to come!
Finally, the Lord has blessed our congregation with many new families who have been visiting for months and are interesting in joining the church. Beginning on June 7th, in our new building, we will host a Sunday morning New Members class for four consecutive Sundays. The class will be held during the Sunday School hour (10:15am) in the sanctuary. Please click here to register for this class. All adults and teenagers are invited to attend this class.
Worship Notes: May 10, 2015
- Please prepare your hearts for the Lord's Supper this Sunday.
- In preparation for the Supper, please listen to and learn this new hymn that we will sign for mediation and worship during the Communion: Communion Hymn (Behold the Lamb)
- This Sunday we will pick back up on the third example in which our Lord warns His disciples to beware of practicing their righteousness with regard to fasting. Here Jesus teaches us about the spiritual discipline of fasting (Matthew 6:16-18).
- In preparation for the sermon: "Fasting is the humbling of the soul, (Psalms 35:13); that is the inside of the duty; let that, therefore, be thy principal care, and as to the outside of it, covet not to let it be seen. God sees in secret, and will reward openly." ~Matthew Henry
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:
by His grace and to His praise,