Pastor's Corner - Church Membership

Dear Friends,

If I haven't said this before, let me say again, I greatly appreciate you. Cornerstone has been such a blessing to me and my family. Furthermore, I consider it one of the greatest privileges the Lord has given me to preach the Gospel to you. We have loved the opportunity to grow in Christ with you and we look forward to many years of fellowship and growth with you.

It was a year ago this Sunday that Laura and I came to visit Huntsville for the first time to discern the Lord's will for our lives. It was very nerve-racking for us to think about leaving a place that we called home for ten years. One of the many reasons that we knew we could leave and move our family to Huntsville is because Cornerstone felt like family. That is what the local church is - it is a community of believers who are family. We consider all of you dear brothers and sisters in Christ and we are proud to call you family. 

Because we are a family, we want to grow in our love and nurture of one another. One of the ways that we do this is through church membership. Why is church membership important? The same reason a marriage is important - we make vows and promises to one another. Church membership means something - it means we are family - we care for one another, love on another, and all the other blessed benefits of Acts 2:42.  

I know that many of you are still considering church membership. This Sunday, November 2nd, will be the first of two new member classes. I would like you to consider joining the family. If you are already a member, then let me encourage you to invite others to join our family and enter into a covenant relationship with the Lord and His church. Cornerstone is such a great family - why would we not want more folks to join us? 

The Session of Cornerstone has been very intentional this past year to make the avenue to church membership an easy and efficient one. In 2015, we anticipate changes to our church membership process - namely lengthening the number of classes and the frequency of their offering. If you are still not sure about joining, please go ahead and attend the class even if you are just interested in learning more about us.

Speaking of church growth! The Lord is blessing us with new births, new babies in the womb, and new families with small children. Because of this, we need help! Please see Dee Petcher in the church nursery if you have a heart to minister to our little ones. We need more loving and nurturing volunteers to simply hold our babies and play with them. Please pray about this opportunity to serve the Lord and serve our growing family.  

See you Sunday!

by His grace and to His praise,
