Pastor's Corner - Abounding Updates

Dear Friends,

I wanted to give you an update on both Abounding and a status report from the building committee. 

On Abounding:  Abounding continues to be a part of the mission and vision of Cornerstone! By God's sovereign providence, we were able to finish the initiative before the pandemic hit our country. We are extremely thankful for that. However, our focus changed to help us do ministry in a pandemic. I personally want to make sure that Abounding does not leave our consciousness as a church so that we remember to pray and remember to give! It is not too late to be a part of this initiative. Visit to learn more! Thank you to all who continue to give and pray to this important work. 

On the activities of the Building Committee (BC): The BC continues to work alongside the architects to go over details of the building design. As of today, the drawings for Design Development are almost complete. During this phase the architects are working closely with the BC and the structural, mechanical and electrical engineers to develop the project narratives. At this time finish materials and material budgets are being determined for the building. 

In the coming months, the architects will begin drawing the Construction Documents for the new building. Upon receipt of this, BC will begin discussion with commercial construction companies to solicit their interest in the project. Completing the Construction Documents and working with contractors will proceed into early 2021. We are still on schedule to break ground, Lord willing, in the Spring.  Please continue to pray. Here are some aids to help you in prayer for this matter:
- Pray for the BC, architects and wisdom in selecting a contractor.
- Pray that the Lord will prepare Cornerstone for ministry in downtown Huntsville.
- Pray that the Lord will continue to provide the resources needed for the project.
- Pray that Cornerstone will be a light and a city on a hill (Matthew 5:14).

See you Sunday! 

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - September 27, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: "Live Like Babies and Stones"  -  I Peter 2:1-8
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "What quickens our desire for the life-giving word of God? Peter answers that we know the taste. Our culture makes the image clear; advertisers spend millions to promote the taste of a cola. Reading the Bible is addictive when we begin to get the taste. What we taste in Scripture is not simply the variety and power of the language. What we taste is the Lord." - Edmund Clowney
Hymn of the Week:    Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
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Wilson's Weekly
Great new devotion, UnFolding Grace
The World and Everything in It - I highly recommend this daily news briefing from a Christian worldview. 
6 Ways Christians Can Be Wiser in Political Engagement 

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