Pastor's Corner - Be Holy

Dear Friends,

The first Christian book I can ever remember reading was The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. I believe the year was 1997.  It was given to me by a friend suggesting that I read it. So I did. And I can honestly say that my life has not been the same since. 

As a baby Christian, I was really learning for the first time what it meant to grow in my Christian walk. So when someone handed me a book that was about pursuing holiness, it was exactly what I needed and when I needed it. God's providence is always spot on! 

Understanding the need to grow in my faith, I didn't know how. I knew I needed to live my life for God and not for myself, but I didn't know how. It was in that moment that Jerry Bridges became one of my pastors. In this book, which is basically a Bible study, I was taught from the Scriptures how to pursue holiness and why to pursue holiness --- because God is holy!

Years later, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Bridges and I got to tell him my story and how much his books meant to me. He was one of the most genuine and humble men I have ever met. 

The premise of the book is based off of a text in our sermon passage this week, 1 Peter 1:15-16, "but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" Peter is here quoting Leviticus 11:44. God's holiness and our call to be holy is one of the most important themes of the Bible. I'm looking forward to studying this all-important truth this Sunday. 

See you Sunday!

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Preparation for Worship - September 13, 2020

This Sunday's sermon: "Be Holy"  -  I Peter 1:13-16
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:  "God has called every Christian to a holy life." - Jerry Bridges
Hymn of the Week:   Holy, Holy, Holy
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Wilson's Weekly
What Did Jesus Teach About Politics?
What to Do About Social Media's Downward Pull? 
Book Review: The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

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