Pastor's Corner-Abounding in Worship

Dear Friends,

We are now entering our fourth week of ABOUNDING! Last week I had the joy and privilege to preach on ABOUNDING in Worship. Worship is our number one value here at Cornerstone. We believe that man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. The primary way we glorify God is through worship. 

One of the most significant prayers in the Bible, outside the prayers of Jesus, is a prayer prayed before Israel by King David at the capital campaign to build a temple for the LORD. This prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 is a profound prayer that teaches us to worship. I wanted to share with you the 10 things or the 10 theological reasons that we are to praise and worship the LORD God forever and ever:  Yours, O LORD, is the greatness: We worship God for His Greatness (v.11) Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power: Worship God for His Power (v.11) God is strong. He has unlimited power.  Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory: Worship God for His Glory (v.11)  Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory: Worship God for His Victory (v.11)  Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty: Worship God for His Majesty (v.11)  Worship God because He owns everything (v.11)  Worship God for His Rule and Leadership (v.11) Worship God for His Provision (v.12)  Worship God for His Power to Give Strength (v.12)  Worship God for His Glorious Name (v.13) Perhaps what is most significant about this prayer of praise in worship is the way the people responded. This generosity initiative for the temple, followed by the high priestly prayer of David, did not leave the people unmoved. They were moved in a powerful way to respond in vv.14-22 They offered willingly (v.14). They gained a right theology of their stuff. All that they have comes from God and belongs to Him (v.14, v.16). They recognized God’s sovereign grace to choose them (v.15). No longer were they aliens and strangers. They offered sacrifices in abundance as they worshiped their God (v.21).  They celebrated God’s generosity and the generosity He had shown them by eating and drinking with great gladness! (v.22) Which of course, we will do on March 1st!

Check out this latest video on ABOUNDING - Christ for the City

 Abounding in Christ. 


Preparation for Worship - February 23, 2020

This Sunday's sermon: ABOUNDING in Discipleship”  - Colossians 2:6-7
In preparation for the sermon:A follower of Christ, a disciple, is one who walks with Jesus. Hymn of the week:  May The Mind Of Christ My Savior
Click here for this week's bulletin.
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Wilson's Weekly

Five Habits to Practice the Presence of God at Work
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