Pastor's Corner

Dear Friends,

This Sunday marks the end of our ABOUNDING in Christ, for the city generosity initiative. It has been such a sweet and encouraging time as we have seen God answer our prayers and prepare us for what is next. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. I simply cannot image going on this journey without you. You all mean so much to me and to Cornerstone. 

As you know, the original vision of Cornerstone was to be a community of believers devoted to the Apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer (Acts 2:42). The group that God brought together to be a part of this vision over 8 years ago, had a strong desire to worship, grow and serve right in the heart of downtown Huntsville. Through the ABOUNDING initiative we have the opportunity to be a central, visible and accessible church not only to our congregation, but to the whole city.

This past Sunday, we were greatly encouraged by the generosity of some leaders to inspire all of us to generosity by helping us achieve 70% of our goal. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  But God is not calling only a select few to be a part of this initiative, He is calling ALL of us to be ALL IN! Cornerstone is a community called by God to be living stones that make up this body of Christ called Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Huntsville, Alabama. We are in this together. Together, by God's grace, this goal is achievable. 

This Sunday we are asking that everyone make a commitment to ABOUNDING. You do not have to write a check. To make a commitment, you simply have to pray and fill out a card to pledge toward the effort. The commitment card is not a contract - it is simply a tool that the Session will use to determine how to take next steps with the downtown property. 

If you are providentially hindered from coming this Sunday, we would still love for you to consider making a commitment. To do so you can visit and make a commitment there. This Sunday there will be commitment cards and privacy envelopes available for you to turn in a commitment at the appropriate time. Know that your commitment will be kept private by our deacons. If you have specific questions about giving/finances, etc…please see Matt Harrison, David Hoover or Craig Martin.  

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.  (Psalm 127:1 ESV)

 Abounding in Christ. 


Preparation for Worship - March 1, 2020

This Sunday's sermon: ABOUNDING in Community”  - Acts 2:42-47
In preparation for the sermon: "A signpost stands at a fork in the road. Pointing in one direction, the sign says Victory. Pointing in another direction, the sign says Fulfillment. We must pick a direction. Which one will we choose? If we choose the path to Victory, the goal is to win. We will experience the thrill of competition as we rush toward the finish line. Crowds gather to cheer for us. And then it’s over. And everyone goes home. (Hopefully we can do it again). If we choose the path to Fulfillment, the journey will be long. There will be times in which we must watch our step. There will be times we can stop to enjoy the view … we keep going … we keep going. Crowds gather to join us on the journey. And when our lives are over, those who joined us on the path to Fulfillment will keep going without us and inspire others to join them too." - Simon Sinek
Hymn of the week:  On Jordan's Stormy Banks
Click here for this week's bulletin.
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