Pastor's Corner

Dear Friends,

It's been a big week at Cornerstone. First of all, we completed our officer nomination process. The congregation nominated some worthy men.  The Session is in the process of interviewing these nominees and preparing them for officer training. Please be in prayer for these men as they go through the training process. Pray for their families as these men will have extra commitments by attending meetings and studying the material for the training course.  Pray also for your elders as we train these men and examine them for readiness to fulfill church office.
Also this week, our new women's Bible studies began. What a great start to women's discipleship at Cornerstone as the new Mom-to-Mom study began as well as the studies on the book of Nehemiah.  Please be in prayer for our women and moms as they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior through these opportunities.  If you want to know more or learn more about these opportunities, please visit:
This Sunday, we will continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount. If you would like to catch up on recent sermons in the series, please visit:
Finally, I hope that you got a chance to read last week's Pastor's Corner. In it, I detailed a new communication system that our adult Sunday School classes will be using called Cornerstone Connections.  Special thanks to Kyle Mosier and Cynthia Keen who have been hard at work over the past few months preparing this tool for use by our congregation. Please take the time to log on and update your profile. If you did not receive an e-mail last week with an activation link, please contact the church office. This will help us tremendously by keeping accurate church records on you and your family.
See you on the Lord's Day!
by His grace and to His praise,
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