Pastor's Corner - Cornerstone Connections

Dear Friends,
I'm excited to announce that today we are launching a new communication tool called Cornerstone Connections to the congregation.  Cornerstone Connections is a customized online community that links with our church database to enable us to connect with one another. Our church database is managed by Church Community Builder. You can learn more about them by visiting:
Over the weekend you should be receiving an activation email from the system. We will send out this activation email based on the email address that we have for you on file. If you do not receive an email, please contact Cynthia in the church office so that we can get you set up.
Once you have activated your account, you will be able to update your contact information with the church office. I want to encourage everyone to upload a photo of themselves so that we can "know" you and "see" you.  Having your contact information up-to-date with the church office will help us serve you better.
Some of the great features of this new tool are:
  1. Cornerstone Connections will now serve as our church directory! As such, make sure your contact information (phone, address, email) is always up to date. To change contact information, go to your profile, click the ‘Edit profile’ link, and then click on the ‘Basic’ tab for phone and email or the ‘Address’ tab for address. You will now have access to all the members and regular attenders of Cornerstone. You can even access this directory from your mobile phone!
  2. Your login is secure. The information you enter is available only to others with a login, and logins are only granted to members and regular attenders of our church.
  3. You can control what pieces of your profile other members see. Go to your profile and click the ‘Update Privacy’ link on the right. The more complete your profile, the more we can identify opportunities for you to serve in the body.
  4. Primarily we envision folks using Cornerstone Connections to build community and communicate with their Sunday School class. Be on the look out for information from your Sunday School leaders through Cornerstone Connections.
To access Cornerstone Connections you may:
  1. Visit the church website,, and click on the "CCB" link in the upper righthand corner.
  2. Visit: from your computer or mobile device.
Again, please fill out your profile COMPLETELY so that we will have accurate information for you and your family in the church office.  If you need help editing your profile, check out this video in the Help Desk: Be assured that your information is only available to the Cornerstone community. Your information will not be available to the outside world.
If we can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact the church office.  I'm looking forward to connecting with you through Cornerstone Connections!
by His grace and to His praise, your pastor,