Pastor's Corner - Ministry Updates
Dear Friends,
I wanted to pass along several updates for you regarding ministry at Cornerstone:
Officer Training: The Session was very encouraged that over 50 nominations were submitted with a strong consensus shown by the congregation for men recommended to lead us as we continually strive to be "a community of believers devoted to the apostles teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Your elders have had the pleasure of speaking with each of the men who were nominated to determine their readiness and willingness to serve. Many of the men felt led to enter into the training process, while some sensed it was not the Lord's timing for them to serve right now. Additionally, we had several men whom, while they exhibited great gifts and love for Christ's church, we felt too new in their membership at Cornerstone to serve as an officer at this time. For those men who will not be participating in the training, we have encouraged them and thanked them for their love and care for Cornerstone. Thank you for your prayer during the nomination process and now please continue to pray as training of these men begins this Sunday.
Men's Event: I'm excited to announce our first big event for the men of Cornerstone! On Sunday, October 19th, 6pm, at First Cumberland Church, we will have Men’s Steak Dinner Night. I will be speaking on "The Five Priorities of the Christian Life." I would like to encourage all fathers to bring their teenage sons to this event. The cost will be $10 per person. Registration will begin online very soon and a sign-up table will be available starting next Sunday morning.
Coordinator Update: Please continue to pray for the Lord God to raise up a children's and a student ministry coordinator. The student ministry team has been very encouraged as the Lord has raised up several candidates for us to speak with and explore the opportunity about possibly coming to minister at Cornerstone. Please pray for discernment as the team interviews and meet with these candidates.
With regards to a Children's Ministry Coordinator, I would like to ask you to network with friends around town and see if you know of anyone who might have the gifts and passion to fill this position. Pray that God would raise up someone with a heart for families and children. Both position descriptions are available at You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions about the positions.
Looking forward to celebrating the Lord's Supper with you this Sunday.
by His grace and to His praise,