Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner
Dear Friends,What a great start we have had to our new Spring Sermon Series on Acts 2:42-47 as we focus on our vision and mission as a church. Please be praying that God will keep us DEVOTED to the things He has called us to in His Word.This month there are some great opportunities to support our mission team to the Yakama Indian Reservation. Below you can learn about these opportunities. As John Hinson said this past Sunday, these are opportunities that the entire church body has to support and even participate by helping to send the team. Please pray for us and join us at these events.See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson
Preparation for Worship - April 15, 2018
  • This Sunday's sermon: "Our Vision and Values: United in the Gospel" - Acts 2:43-44
  • In preparation for the sermon:   What is true faith?  True faith is not only a knowledge and conviction that everything God reveals in his Word is true; it is also a deep- rooted assurance, created in me by the Holy Spirit through the gospel, that out of sheer grace earned for us by Christ, not only others, but I too, have had my sins forgiven, have been made forever right with God, and have been granted salvation.  Heidelberg Catechism #21
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Hymn for the Week:  Thy Mercy My God
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes or on the Cornerstone App.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.