This is a busy time in your life and the life of Cornerstone. I am praying for you and your family as many of us start back school and activities with our children.During this busy season, I want to encourage you not to neglect your spiritual growth. For some reason, our walk with Christ seems to be the first thing to go when life gets busy. It should not be that way! Our spiritual growth should be at the
top of our priority list! This is not my idea, but God's idea (Deut. 6). To help you with this, please see the resources listed below. In addition, this Sunday I will be preaching on
Maturing in Christ. I hope this will be an encouraging and practical word for you from Ephesians.I also want you to consider joining us for Foundations this Fall, beginning August 24th. We hope this time to be a "foundational" part of you and your family's spiritual growth. The children will be learning catechism, the youth will have an opportunity to learn and serve, and our adults will have opportunities to serve and grow in their faith as well.
Click here for more info.Finally, this Sunday we will have our first called congregational meeting since I was called to be the Senior Pastor. This will be an important time for our church family as we take care of some administrative items as well as learn about the bright future of our church. If you have not had a chance to do so, please review the corporation documents that can be found
here. All members are encouraged to attend - even children who are communing members! Children who are not communing members can join Matthew Elliott for a time of fun and fellowship during the congregational meeting.See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson