Pastor's Corner - Congregational Meeting Called

Dear Friends,
Below is the formal call from our Session of a congregational meeting. As you will see, the purposes are both legal and informational. Many of you may have received the information below through other communications but I wanted to share it again so you can be prepared.Congregational Meeting, August 14th - A called Congregational Meeting of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (to act both as the church and as the corporation of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Inc.) will be held on Sunday, August 14th at 10:15am, during the Sunday School hour. The purposes of this meeting are to 1) Adopt an Amended Certificate of Formation for Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Inc. and adopt Amended and Restated Bylaws for Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Inc., 2) elect officers of the corporation, 3) receive an update from the Finance Committee, and 4) hear an update from the Facility Search Committee. All members are encouraged to attend and visitors are welcome to observe.When the church was incorporated, the legal documents for Articles of Formation and Bylaws were generic with the intention of later conforming those to our denominational polity and particulars of our congregation. We now intend to do that.  The Session recommends amendments to accomplish that.  Adopting the amendments better positions the church to effect a property purchase in the future. The specific Amended Certificate of Formation and Amended and Restated Bylaws are accessible on the church website at Hard copies are also available through the church office or from ushers.The informational elements are primarily to give more insight into our location search and finances.
One final announcement that is important to our congregation. In order to better serve the congregation, encourage regular and consistent attendance at worship, the Session has chosen to move our Sunday services back 30 minutes. The new worship service time will be at 9:30am and Sunday School will begin at 10:45am. This change will take place starting Sunday, August 21st. Please enjoy some extra time to rest that morning but we encourage all members and guest to be seated before 9:30am in preparation for worship.See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson
Wilson's Weekly
  • This Sunday I will be preaching from Ephesians 4:7-13 on spiritual gifts. The articles below may prove helpful in thinking through your spiritual gifts.
  • Searching for the Spiritual Gifts
  • How Do I Discover My Spiritual Gift
  • Will a test tell you what spiritual gifts you have? Watch this video and take the test: click here.  Please note that some of the questions on this test are not in alignment with Reformed thinking. 
Prepare for Worship-August 7th