Pastor's Corner
Dear Church Family and Friends,
As I sat down to write this update, the Supreme Court of the United States just issued their ruling overturning a great injustice. Roe v. Wade is no longer a federal law. We can certainly praise God for this but as I wrote before, the work is not over. Being pro-life will never stop in this life until our Lord returns. I wrote about this potential decision some weeks back. I will refer you to that article if you would like to know more.
As I write this, the 49th General Assembly has concluded in Birmingham. There is much news to learn that came out of the Assembly. I want to share a few things:
Finally, I know many of you are concerned and watching the actions of the Assembly regarding sexual identity and the disturbance this topic as caused in the PCA. Many are wanting the denomination to say something definitive and final. I share many of your concerns. To those concerns let me say a couple of things. One, our constitution (the Bible and the Westminster Confession) have plenty to say regarding sexual immorality and the character required for a pastor or elder in Christ's church.
Second, the PCA was founded to be a bottom up denomination, not a top down. What I mean by that is that the founders believed that local church Sessions and Presbyteries are best equipped to handle doctrinal matters. All that to say, Cornerstone and Providence Presbytery remain unequivocally committed to her pastors and elders being men above reproach. I am thankful for this. We have all seen what a top down approach to doctrinal and polity matters can do to local church. Praise God the PCA does not have these concerns.
As always, please reach out to me or any of the elders if you have concerns on these matters.
I'm looking forward to continue to know and worship our God through the Psalms this summer.
See you Sunday!
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson