Newsletter November 10, 2023
Newsletter | November 10, 2023
Dear Church Family and Friends,
Please join me in giving thanks to the LORD as Chris Moody and John Summers passed their presbytery examination this past Tuesday! Both of these brothers labored hard to reach this point, and the LORD was gracious to sustain them. Please join me in congratulating them. I know I speak for us all when I say we are grateful for their continued ministry at Cornerstone.
Continue to pray for Chris as he continues to study and prepare for his ordination exams with an aim toward completion in February of 2024.
On Sunday, November 19th at the 8:30 am service, John Summers will be ordained and installed as an Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone. Please join us for this very important and solemn occasion. If you have never witnessed the ordination of a pastor in the PCA, you will be encouraged by this ancient and special service.
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. (1 Timothy 4:14 ESV)
Additionally, we will further celebrate and give thanks to God this Sunday with a Thanksgiving Fellowship. I do hope you will stay and join us.
Also, this past week, Cornerstone hosted An Evening of Hope with Joni and Friends Alabama. This was an important step in our partnership with Joni and Friends as we hope to see more and more families affected by disability to be reached in our area. We were encouraged to pray for, give to, and serve these families God has called us to love. One in three families is affected by disability in Alabama. It is a large people group that we need to consider. Please be on the lookout for more ways to get involved with Joni and Friends Alabama.
Then the master of the house became angry and said to his servant, "Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame." (Luke 14:21 ESV)
See you Sunday!
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Wilson’s Weekly
Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse everything said or written in these links but hopes these articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.
Chris Moody and John Summers had their presbytery examinations this past Tuesday…they both passed! This past Tuesday, we also hosted An Evening of Hope with Joni and Friends Alabama.
Preparation for Worship
November 12, 2023
This Sunday's Sermon:
“The Gospel of God: The Greatest Thing God Could Ever Give Us”
Romans 8:31-32
Cornerstone Prayer Requests
Pray for church members caring for family - Diana Akridge, Susan Dupré, Bryan Gassaway, Kyle Mosier, Randy Petcher, Bill and JoAnn Sneed, Bonnie Stock, and Mike and Carol Wellfare.
Pray for healing - Suzi and Bill Bolton, Phil Freeze, Anne Harbarger, Matthew Lawrence, Abby Reese Wren, Gary Abernathy, Kendall Junen, Jack Trotter, Kelly Davenport, Palmer Summers, Loren and April De Jong, Kevin McClure, Elizabeth Shorter, and David Zimmerman.
Pray for our homebound friends - Ruby Petcher and Betty Baldwin.
Pray for our expectant mothers - Olivia Clemons (January) and Lauren Hudgins (February).
Pray for the Edmondson family with the passing of Rich’s mother, Kay, this past week.
Pray for our transition time during construction.
Pray for peace in Israel and Ukraine.
Pray for our Missional Partnerships - InFocus and Redeemer Church of the Shoals, Florence, AL (Pastor Olan Stubbs).
Women’s Ministry Events:
Jesse Tree Christmas Party - Ladies (college-aged and older), please join us on Sunday, November 26th from 4-5:30 pm as we enjoy an ornament exchange with cookies and cocoa! This event requires 25 women to sign up to make 25 of the same ornament. For more information and to sign up, please click here.
Cornerstone College Exam Boxes 2023 - Thank you for contributing to our annual college box ministry! All item slots are filled. Please bring your goodies to the church this Sunday and place them in the collection box in the FLC lobby. Please consider joining us next Friday at 9 am in the FLC to assemble them. NOTE: Please give any gift cards to Betsy Morgan or Elizabeth Shorter for safekeeping until the assembly day. For additional details, please click here.
Ordination Service - Please join us next Sunday at the 8:30 am service for the ordination and installation of John Summers as Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone.
Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch - Sunday, November 19th at noon after the second service. The main dish and beverages are provided. Last names A-J bring a dessert and K-Z bring a side. Please RSVP here.
Thanksgiving for International Students - If you are interested in hosting one or more international students from UAH this Thanksgiving with InFocus, please email Harold Bryer at For more information, you can contact Seth Waldecker at
Roots Winter Retreat - The Roots Winter Retreat is January 19th-21st at Camp Toknowhim for 6th-12th grade. It will be a great time of fellowship, hearing the Word, and worship. Register here.
Restrooms Closed - For the next few Sundays, the restrooms on the 2nd floor, west end near adult Sunday School will be closed due to renovations. Please use the single restrooms on the 2nd floor or the restrooms in the FLC.
Benevolence - If you are in need of financial assistance or other needs due to hardship, please see a deacon or contact
Ministry Opportunity - Interested in reaching out to our church members who need help with minor home improvements or repairs? If so, contact David Hoover at for more information.
Bookshelf Ministry - Be sure to check out this resource ministry in the Family Life Center lobby. There are free books, tracts, and audio teaching CDs for you to take or give to someone.
Missions Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
This week's highlighted ministries:
The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.
Please contact the church office by Thursday for changes or additions to prayer requests.
The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact or 256-489-4625.
1413 McClung Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
Copyright © Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.